Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Revised as of December, 2024

ADA Hotline

For general questions or complaints, please call 303-538-7334 or email
For sidewalk and street issues, please call 720-977-6464 or email

ADA Grievances

ADA Grievance Procedure [PDF/67KB]

ADA Notice [PDF/101KB]

Digital Accessibility

ADA Transition Plan

Thornton has continued to make significant progress in identifying and rectifying issues that may inhibit access around the city.  The initial ADA Transition Plan was completed in 2020 and it has now been updated to reflect all the advancements made in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.  This plan evaluates the city's existing facilities (including parks), pedestrian amenities within the public Right-of-Way, and the city's standards and practices as they pertain to accessibility. 

View the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan [PDF/8.4MB]

About the Project

As required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and 28 CFR 35.105, the city developed a formal Transition Plan in 2020 to improve accessibility throughout the city.  This Transition Plan has been updated in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 to reflect all of the changes made since then.  As a part of this effort, the city continues to retain an engineering consultant, Alfred Benesch & Co, to assist city staff in continuing to develop and maintain the ADA Transition Plan.  Additional work with the consultant will continue in 2025.

The city developed a process for creating, implementing, and maintaining the Transition Plan.  In 2020, this included conducting a self-evaluation looking at existing policies and procedures as well as inventorying and assessing existing pedestrian facilities to identify access barriers to persons with disabilities within the public Right-of-Way parks, and city buildings.  This process documented the facilities throughout the city and the areas that perhaps needed to be improved to be more accessible.  Part of this evaluation process included a public outreach program to gain public input to help identify particular existing areas of concern.  This assisted in providing the framework for developing the original ADA Transition Plan and the guidelines for the 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 efforts and future updates.

What's Happening? 

The updated ADA Transition Plan has been completed and posted for public review.

Several ADA related projects were conducted in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 and included, but were not limited to, the following:

Building Maintenance

  • Added touchless faucets and flush valves at the Justice Center 
  • Added ADA door operator at the Carpenter Rec Center.

Additional engineering field work will continue in 2024 specifically in the areas of city sidewalks, curbs, ramps, and pedestrian pushbuttons.  This field work will assist the city in identifying the ADA related project funding in 2024 and beyond.  Two large ADA related projects will be conducted in 2024 at the Community Park and additional ADA projects will be completed at the City Community Pool, and Park Village Pool.

Get Involved! 

The updated ADA Transition Plan is available for public review.  Please click the link above to view the plan and send any feedback or questions to the individuals listed below:


Bill Rush
City of Thornton Project Manager
Director of Risk Management
(303) 538-7306

Jess Hastings
Consultant Project Manager
7979 E. Tufts Avenue, Suite 800 Denver, CO  80210
(303) 771-6868