Open Space

Thornton manages over 140 miles of trails and 2500+ acres of parks and open space for residents to enjoy aesthetically and personally. Daily operations and maintenance are coupled with planning for the future of these spaces. In 2019 the city began developing a long-term plan for transitioning low-use spaces from traditional, water-intensive turf-grass, into sustainable, Colorado-friendly water-wise landscapes and grass.

  • A sustainable landscape is an attractive environment that is in balance with the local climate and requires minimal resource inputs, such as fertilizer, pesticides, gasoline, staff time, and water.
  • Benefits of a sustainable landscape include:
    • Water conservation
    • Reducing our carbon footprint with less chemicals and gasoline
    • Enhancing native and resilient vegetation
    • Increasing biodiversity of plants, pollinators, and other wildlife
    • Providing a landscape that is more sustainable to the ecosystem long-term
    • Staff time redirection and fiscal savings
  • Find which projects are taking place near you by visiting our projects map link.

Since 2007 Thornton Water customers have been learning how to save more water at home. Our water efficiency campaign has continued to promote indoor and outdoor water efficiency including the H2Overhaul Program that helps residents convert part of their yards into water-wise landscapes. In addition to Thornton's demonstration gardens, we are applying these practices throughout the city in our parks and open spaces. 

  • Thornton is "walking the talk" by transitioning to more Colorado-friendly landscapes in our parks and open space.
  • Water efficiency is important both for water customers and for city operations.
  • Thornton Water is leading by example to illuminate the idea that converting high-water turf into water-wise landscapes can achieve aesthetically pleasing outdoor space. 
  • Water efficiency may look different for parks and open spaces than it does for residential customers. For example, daily irrigation system audits on public property and watering recreational sports turf requires a systematic cycle that may include watering during the day which is not recommended for Thornton Water customers. 
  • Thornton Water's H2Overhaul Kit helps water customers with step-by-step instructions for transitioning a portion of their yard into water-wise landscaping that can increase curb appeal, promote biodiversity and increased wildlife, and save water on monthly water bills.

Project Links

Native & Sustainable Grasses


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