New Residents, Welcome to Thornton
Just Moved to the Area?
- To start your water service, contact the Thornton Utility Billing office at 303-538-7370 or email
- There are two public energy providers for gas and electric service, depending on your address: United Power or Xcel Energy. See the Electric & Gas Utility section of our website for contact information.
- Trash & Recycling services are offered by private companies and the city of Thornton, 720-977-6200.
- For information about a United States Post Office close to your home, call 1-800-275-8777 or visit
- The Neighborhood Resources Guide [PDF/426KB] is a downloadable pdf that provides resources and referral information that may be useful for those who are new to the area.
- Thornton residents now have access to the City 24/7 through My Thornton. This service lets you access dozens of "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQs) or you can send a personalized service request or report a concern.
Contact Information |
Parks & Recreation, 303-255-7800 |
City Facilities/Buildings |
City Council & Wards, 303-538-7230 |
Thornton News |
Youth & Teen Programs |
Code Compliance |
City Council
Thornton is a home rule city operating under the council-manager form of government. The City Council consists of the mayor, elected at large, and eight council members, two elected from each of the city’s four wards.
Adams County Government
The city of Thornton is the largest city within Adams County. Adams County was established as a county in 1902 and was named after Alva Adams, the governor who was in office at the time. The county commissioners act collectively as the governing board to manage the affairs of the county. There are five commissioners.
Brighton: 303-659-2120 or 1-800-824-7842
Commissioners Office: 720-523-6100
Citizen Boards & Commissions
The Adams County Board of Commissioners works with volunteer citizen boards and commissions to provide representation and direction in the many functions of county government. To learn more about county boards or commissions, visit the Adams County website.
Voter Information Adams County Clerk & Recorder
If you have recently moved to Thornton or changed your name, you can register to vote or update your voter registration records with the county clerk: 720-523-6500.
County Departments
For information about county departments, please visit their website.
Animal Shelters
To locate missing pets, call the Adams County Animal Shelter or a local animal shelter. A list of local shelters can be found on the city of Thornton Animal Control website.
Adams County Animal Shelter
10705 Fulton St., Brighton
303-288-3294 or
Thornton Animal Control
Thornton Animal Control is a division of the police department tasked with assisting the public with the care and control of animals. The city code contains regulations regarding permitted household animals, stray or vicious animals, barking dogs and animal care. Call police dispatch to request that an animal control officer investigate a concern with household animals or dead animals.
720-977-5250 or 911 or
Colorado Department of Agriculture
The Division of Animal Industry provides livestock disease prevention and control, as well as lab services, rodent and predator control services, pet animal facility inspection and licensing. This agency licenses the state’s aquaculture facilities and performs animal cruelty investigations.
Colorado Division of Wildlife
Colorado Parks and Wildlife manages Colorado’s wildlife species, state wildlife areas and state parks. For problems with wild animals, such as raccoons, skunks, and squirrels, please contact the Division of Wildlife.
Colorado Mosquito Control
Colorado Mosquito Control provides all mosquito monitoring and spraying services for the city of Thornton. Mosquito hotline: 877-276-4306
City of Thornton Business License
City of Thornton Business License Businesses and home occupations require a city business license. Please contact the Thornton Revenue Division for additional information.
303-538-7400 or
Thornton Office of Economic Development
Economic Development recruits new businesses, facilitates development and encourages employment opportunities.
City of Thornton Municipal Court
Thornton Municipal Court is a limited jurisdiction court serving the citizens of Thornton, Colorado. The court has jurisdiction to hear cases that deal with traffic, misdemeanor, animal, and code violations, as well as local parking citations.
720-977-5400 or
Community Connections
The city of Thornton's Community Connections division is your one-stop shop for resources in Thornton. Whether you are in need of food, housing, or something else entirely, Community Connections is here for you.
Adams County Workforce & Business Center
The Adams County Workforce and Business Center offers a wide variety of free services to registered job seekers. Individuals can register with Colorado’s workforce system by visiting a workforce office. Registration can also be completed online at
11860 Pecos St., Westminster.
Regional Air Quality Control
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division has information on air quality conditions, bulletins, action days, burning restriction and fire bans.
Air Quality Advisory Hotline: 303-758-4848
Air Quality Bulletin Hotline: 303-782-0211
Storm Drain Concerns
To report spills or dumping of chemicals or down storm drains contact the city of Thornton Infrastructure Department. If you believe there is a public health concern, call 9-1-1. 720-977-6256 or
RV Dump Stations
Metro Wastewater Reclamation District is the wastewater treatment authority for much of metropolitan Denver and parts of northern Colorado. Follow the link for a list of RV dump locations and resources.
Healthcare Resources
There are several private and nonprofit health clinics, urgent care centers and medical facilities located within the city of Thornton. Contact your insurance carrier, medical provider or go to Thornton Cares at or United Way’s 2-1-1, to learn about which are located conveniently to you and offer the services and resources you need.
Housing Programs & Services
Thornton is focused on providing quality housing opportunities for those who desire to live in our community and regularly assesses the Thornton housing market to ensure the community has safe, affordable and quality housing options. Follow the link for information on housing for the person who is looking to purchase a home, the homeowner, the renter, property managers and housing developer.
Adams County Human Services
This county agency provides financial assistance to the aged, blind and dependent children, coordinates Medicaid and medical assistance, offers adoption and foster care, military family assistance, adult protection services, children and family services, food assistance, self-sufficiency and Head Start programs.
Adams County Mobile Home Initiative
Metro Volunteer Lawyers
(303) 860-1115
1905 Sherman St, Ste 400
Denver, CO 80203
Real Estate, Bankruptcy, Civil Rights and Consumer
Colorado Lawyers Committee
(303) 894-6366
1700 Lincoln Street
Denver , CO 80203
Real Estate, Education, Immigration and Municipal
Personal Legal Assistance or Representation
Consumer Fraud (Colorado Attorney General) - (800) 222-4444
Legal Aid and Senior Citizens' Law Center - (303) 837-1313
Legal Referral Service - (303) 831-8000
In-person self-help center at the Adams County Justice Center.
Business Licenses
Businesses and home occupations may require a City Sales and Use Tax Business License. Contact the city of Thornton Sales Tax Division to find out if your business requires a license.
City Licensing
City licensing for carnivals, amusement device, animals, entertainment club, massage parlor, and more.
Liquor Licenses
Visit Thornton City Clerk’s Office, for applications, renewals and special events.
Building Permits
The Thornton Building Inspection Division manages Building Permits including home and business renovation for electrical, plumbing, fences, heating and air conditioning and structural changes.
Adams County Community Support Services
The Division of Community Support Services offers a variety of public assistance programs designed to help individuals and families become as self-sufficient as possible. The division also provides adult protection services that ensure that Adams County adults are safe and protected from maltreatment and exploitation.
Thornton Fire Department
The Fire Department maintains five fi re stations, oversees the city’s fire safety issues, provides ambulance service, and carries on education and training around public safety issues.
For emergency response: 9-1-1
303-538-7602 or
Thornton Police Department
The Police Department preserves safety and maintains the quality of life in the city of Thornton. It operates under three divisions: Administration, Detectives and Patrol. The Department also offers Animal Control, Victim Services, the Citizens Police Academy, a Senior Liaison Officer, Youth Services and the Neighborhood Watch Program.
Emergency response: 9-1-1
Non-emergency response or animal control issues: 720-977-5150
Police Reports: 720-977-5140
Fingerprinting: 720-977-5020
Crime Stoppers
Crime Stoppers collects information on unsolved crimes or individuals wanted by the police. Callers remain anonymous.
720-913-STOP (7867)
Victim Services Unit
Victim services advocates help the victims and family to cope with the crisis at hand. Trained advocates are on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to respond immediately to the scene of a crime, accident or victim’s home at the request of a police officer.
Active Adult Center
If you are age 55 or older, you are invited to spend time at the center. We offer educational and recreational programs, fitness classes, special events, trips, outdoor programs, health screenings and a fabulous daily meal program! Visiting the Center is a wonderful way to meet new friends, learn a new hobby, get fit, or take a trip to somewhere new. We also offer a host of Adult classes age 18+ in the evenings and on weekends.
Senior Resources
Follow the link for a list of names, addresses, phone numbers, and websites for senior resources.
Thornton Parks, Recreation, and Community Programs
Thornton's recreation facilities include our state-of-the-art Carpenter Recreation Center and the brand new Trail Winds Recreation Center, as well as our conveniently located Community Center. And our recreation opportunities are almost limitless — sports teams and leagues, a beautiful 18-hole golf course, indoor and outdoor pools and much, much more.
Street Lights
Once approved by the city, street lights are installed and maintained by Xcel Energy or United Power depending on the area of the city.
Street Signage & Traffic Signals Not Working
Contact Traffic Engineering to report street signage and traffic signals that are not working.
720-977-6490 or
Trash & Recycling
The city provides curbside trash and recycling collection for those residents who have signed up for the city trash services. Customers can also participate in a number of other collection services.
720-977-6200 or
Electric & Gas Utility
Depending on your location, electric and gas services are provided to residents of Thornton by Xcel Energy or United Power. This information should be on your electric or gas utility bill.
Call Before You Dig - Locate Utilities
Utility Notification Center of Colorado.
303-232-1991 or 811
LEAP (Low-Income Energy Assistance Program)
The Colorado LEAP program assists low-income residents with winter heating costs from November 1 through April 30. The Colorado Department of Human Services oversees this program.
Adams County Housing Authority: 303-227-2378
Arts & Culture
The Arts and Culture Division supports robust year-round community based programs as well as the Volunteer Thornton program. As one of the smallest Divisions in the City, opportunities exist for volunteers interested in assisting with administrative and program support tasks.
720-977-5885 or
Boards, Commissions and Committees
The city council relies on the assistance of several boards and commissions to review issues and provide recommendations on solutions. Board and commission members are selected from the community.
303-538-7230 or
Thornton is proud to provide quality water services, from the protection of source water, delivery of safe drinking water, wastewater collection and stormwater management and protection.