Public Works

Public Works/Infrastructure

The Infrastructure Department offers the necessary and essential services traditional Public Works and Public Water/Utility Systems provide under one organizational structure.

Thornton Infrastructure By the Numbers

Learn more about the work completed by the Infrastructure Department

Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)

The CIP provides for cost-effective design and construction of capital projects. Learn more about current and future CIP projects on this interactive map.


Submit a request for service or report an issue through MyThornton.

Trash and Recycling Services

Learn more about City trash and recycling services.


The Streets Division is responsible for maintaining Thornton's streets and drainage systems and providing snow removal and street sweeping services. Our primary goal is to minimize road hazards and ensure safe public transit.

Engineering Services

Through its Engineering Services Division, Thornton oversees capital improvements, surveying, and maintaining the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).

Transportation & Mobility

The city is committed to providing a safe and efficient transportation system for all road users.

Cone Zone

Find information regarding major lane closures and detours impacting the City of Thornton

Thornton T-Alerts

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Utility Locates

Thornton staff will respond to water, sanitary sewer, and storm line locate requests for lines in the right-of-way made through Colorado 811. City staff does not do locates on private property. Contact Colorado 811 to schedule a utility locate.