Population & Demographics

Accurate data is critical to making effective planning decisions. The City of Thornton collects and studies population and demographic data relating to the city, surrounding communities, Adams county, and the state.

The Long Range Planning Division publishes an updated population and housing count biannually for use by other City departments and the general public. Long Range Planning also creates demographic reports describing characteristics of the Thornton community. Additionally, staff participates in larger regional planning efforts by providing data to, and collaborating with, other municipalities and organizations, and the Denver Regional Co​​uncil of Governments (DRCOG).

Population and Housing Report

The Population and Housing Report is published twice annually. It highlights construction and migration trends in Thornton and highlights the mix of housing by type and location in the city.

Population and Housing Report, 2nd Half 2024 [PDF/1.7MB]

Community Profile

Published in 2018, the Community Profile details a broad range of demographic data. It is an appendix to the 2020 Comprehensive Plan, but can be viewed below as a separate document.

2018 Community Profile [PDF/18.5MB]