Functional, Strategic, & Master Plans


Master plans serve as more detailed, functional documents designed to supplement specific topics addressed in the Thornton Comprehensive Plan such as transportation, utilities, or parks and open space. Long Range Planning partners with other City departments to prepare or assist in the development of these plans.  These plans seek to articulate the goals set by the Comprehensive Plan and provide more detailed implementation strategies. 

On this page

Transportation and Mobility Master PlanParks and Open Space Master PlanHousing Needs AssessmentCommunity Development Block Grant Program Annual Action PlanUtility Master PlanWater Efficiency PlanDrought Management Plan Arts and Culture Master PlanSenior Services Master PlanBoomer Bond Sustainability Action AgendaHazard Mitigation Plan

Transportation and Mobility Master Plan

The Transportation and Mobility Master Plan, also known as the TMMP, is the City’s long-range plan for travel and mobility, guiding future development of transportation-related infrastructure. The TMMP was adopted by City Council on April 26, 2022.

The overall vision is a transportation network and mobility plan that expands transportation options to enable a resident to access all areas of Thornton in a timely manner without using a private vehicle. Thornton desires a holistic multimodal and mobility view, approach and evaluation of current and future transportation needs.

The goal of the Plan is to provide an interconnected multimodal transportation network and mobility plan for all people to access goods, services, residences, and employment and accommodates safely moving people, goods, and services using a variety of modes that includes vehicle, bicycle, pedestrian, bus, shuttle, and passenger rail based on the future land use projections and overall vision for the City.

Transportation and Mobility Master Plan [PDF/94.1MB]TMMP Executive Summary [PDF/4.9MB]Resumen Ejecutivo de Plan Maestro de Transporte y Movilidad [PDF/8.7MB]

Transit Study

The Transit Study was approved on May 14, 2024 and is Appendix D of the Transportation and Mobility Master Plan. The Thornton Transit Study provides actions that the City may implement over 10 years to increase access to more areas of Thornton without using a private vehicle. 

The City of Thornton conducted a community-driven Transit Study to evaluate options and develop a plan to implement transit improvements over the next 10 years as envisioned in the Thornton Transportation and Mobility Master Plan. Half of Thornton’s population and land area is not currently served by transit, and current transit routes do not provide convenient access to key destinations in the City for many residents, including access to food, medical services, education, employment, recreation, or visiting other people. 

Thornton Transit Study [PDF/16.7MB]

Parks and Open Space Master Plan

The Thornton Parks and Open Space Master Plan establishes goals, objectives, recommendations and implementation strategies for the planning and development of new parks, recreation facilities/programs, trails, and open space in the city of Thornton.  It serves as a detailed supplement to the Thornton Comprehensive Plan, and as such, it responds to the goals and policies related to parks, recreation, trail and open space stated in that plan.  The Plan also serves as a guide for continued improvements and expansion resulting in a high quality, citywide system of parks, recreation facilities/programs, trails and open space that will meet the needs of Thornton citizens now and in the future.

Parks and Open Space Master Plan Webpage

Housing Needs Assessment

The most recent Housing Needs Assessment was conducted by Thornton's Community Connections division in 2019. This document identifies challenges to housing in Thornton and sets goals to address these needs. This document maintains a great deal of importance as Thornton continues to grow in population. In April 2024, Community Connections began the draft process for a revision of the Housing Needs Assessment. The planning process will contact dozens of community stakeholders, hold public input meetings, conduct a community survey, research the latest socio-economic information, examine existing housing and its costs, and provide an action plan for the city and our community partners to expedite.

Thornton's Housing Webpage

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

Thornton’s Parks, Recreation, and Community Programs Department administers the CDBG program through its Community Connections Division. More information can be found on their division website.

CDBG Webpage

Utility Master Plan

The city of Thornton's Utility Master Plan addresses the city's raw water supply, water treatment facilities, water distribution, and wastewater collection systems. The planning basis was carefully developed with Thornton for the Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan to identify future system requirements for raw water supply, water treatment facilities, water distribution and wastewater collection. You can view the Utility Master Plan below.

Utility Master Plan Volume I: Integrated Plan [PDF/30.2MB]Utility Master Plan Volume II: Raw Water Supply [PDF/32.6MB]Utility Master Plan Volume III: Water Treatment Facilities [PDF/15.5MB]Utility Master Plan Volume IV: Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan [PDF/46.6MB]

Water Efficiency Plan

This Water Efficiency Plan establishes long-term water efficiency goals that encourage efficient use of available water resources and reduce the amount of additional water needed to serve existing and future customers, while maintaining a high-quality urban environment.

Water Efficiency Plan [PDF/8.8MB]

Drought Management Plan

This Drought Management Plan prepares Thornton for drought and provides an action-based guidance framework to respond to a water shortage. The objectives of this Plan are twofold. First, to proactively prepare for drought and determine the onset and severity of a drought by monitoring available climatic, hydrologic and other relevant information. Second, reduce water demand and acquire additional water supplies to maintain the health and safety, community vitality and long-term resiliency of the community to the extent possible during a water shortage.

Drought Management Plan [PDF/2.3MB]

Arts and Culture Master Plan

The purpose of the master plan is to create a road map which will lead Thornton's efforts in a fashion consistent with the vision, goals and objectives identified by the Thornton Arts, Sciences and Humanities Council (TASHCO) Board. The continuing emergence of arts and cultural amenities will serve to enrich the quality of life and promote economic development. The TASHCO Master Plan is designed to be a realistic working document that will allow for innovation, growth, and changing dynamics.

TASHCO Master Plan [PDF/920KB]

Senior Services Master Plan

In November of 2016, the Thornton Active Adult Board presented City Council with the revised Senior Services Master Plan. The City completed a Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults in 2012. The survey results provided valuable information about the needs and concerns facing our older adults. The Board identified 7 key issues, and went on to establish benchmarks for each issue. Please Contact Jessie Romito Active Adult Program Manager with questions at 720-977-5851 or

Senior Services Master Plan [PDF/17MB]

Boomer Bond Report

The purpose of the DRCOG Boomer Bond Assessment tool is to assist local governments and partnering organizations evaluate how the existing resources, plans, regulations, programs, and community design features serve older adult residents. The DRCOG Boomer Bond Assessment tool is divided into four distinct assessment categories, including, Mobility and Access, Housing , Community Living, and Support Services

Boomer Bond Report [PDF/12.9MB]

Sustainability Action Agenda

This Sustainability Action Agenda lays out the vision, framework, goals, and strategies by which Thornton will grow into a more sustainable community in the coming years.

Sustainability Action Agenda

Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Thornton, Federal Heights, and Northglenn Hazard Mitigation Plan was developed in close cooperation with a great variety of stakeholders including many local organizations, government agencies, service providers and businesses. The cities partnered in 2017 to produce a multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan intended to assist all three cities in identifying natural hazard risks, developing mitigation strategies to lessen future impacts, and working to progress each community towards a more resilient future. The 2017 plan was completed and approved by the City Councils for all three cities before FEMA approved it on April 21, 2017. Mitigation Plans have a five (5) year planning cycle, so in 2022 the three cities partnered again to update and enhance the 2017 Plan.

The new 2023 Hazard Mitigation Plan was approved by the State of Colorado, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and was adopted by the City Councils of all three cities, with an official approval date of April 18, 2023. The 2023 Hazard Mitigation Plan provides the three communities with access to the latest data about natural and human caused hazards along with strategies to decrease vulnerability and increase resiliency. Having a plan in place also provides cities access to hazard mitigation resources, grant funding and post-disaster funding that might not otherwise be available.

Thornton, Federal Heights, Northglenn Hazard Mitigation Plan [PDF/26.9MB]City of Northglenn's Website  City of Federal Heights' Website