Trash & Recycling

Trash & Recycling Collection Schedule

Please download the free City of Thornton Recycles mobile app for your collection schedule.

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​The Environmental Services Team provides curbside trash and recycling collection services to over 32,000 homes in the City, as well as a number of other collection services for our citizens. The collection service program is operated as an enterprise fund, meaning that all costs associated with providing the various services are covered by user fees.

The Trash & Recycling Collection Schedule applies to city of Thornton trash and recycle customers only.

Trash & Recycling Programs

2025 Event Dates

Learn more about upcoming event dates for Click & Haul, Electronic Recycling, Fall Leaf Curbside Collection, Fall Leaf Drop-off, Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off, Landfill Days and Tree Branch/Compost Material Drop-off.

We've gone Mobile!

City of Thornton trash/recycling customers are now able to download a mobile app to their cell phone or tablet! Please look for City of Thornton Recycles in the App Store and on Google Play.

Use the Trash & Recycling Calendar Wizard

Not sure how to properly dispose of something? Simply type the name of the material into the Wizard and find out!

Thornton Landfill Day

Dates:  Saturday, March 22

Time:  7 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Location:  Republic Services Tower Landfill  19260 E. 88th Ave., Commerce City, CO  80022

Guidelines:  Thornton residents may drop off items that they may not be able to dispose of in their normal trash service at no charge.  Restrictions and limitations do apply.  Proof of Thornton residency is required.  One vehicle load per household.  Pickup trucks, cars, and small single-axle trailer loads only (less than 5 yards of debris.)  All loads must be covered.  

NO electronics, tires, car batteries, medical waste, ammunition, fireworks, fluorescent bulbs, or liquids of any kind.  Non-hazardous debris only.  Reflective vests must be worn while outside of vehicle and are available at the landfill for $3 each.  $37 additional fee for mattresses or boxsprings.  Commercial loads are subject to additional fees.

What can I bring to the IMC?

The Infrastructure Maintenance Center (IMC) is located at 12450 Washington Street. Thornton residents only (no commercial or landscaping companies) may bring or drop-off the following on weekdays from 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.:

  • ATTENTION - Cooking oil is no longer accepted for drop-off at the IMC.
  • Motor oil, antifreeze - in sealed gallon (or smaller) containers.
  • Appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, & water heaters.
  • Compost material such as grass clippings, leaves, flowers, coffee grounds, food scraps.  Be prepared to open all bags on site. Only 3 gallon compostable kitchen bags will be accepted.
  • Please call 720-977-6200 ahead of your arrival for instructions or head to the north gate entrance with access from 126th Avenue, east of Washington Street.  Once at the gate, press the Infrastructure button for access into the yard and let the operator know you are there to drop off compost.

Access to the north gate from 126th Avenue is now restricted other than on event days.

Solid Waste Fee Structure 

The current fee for Thornton’s Solid Waste Collection Program is $19 per month, and will appear on your water bill. The $19 per month charge includes a weekly collection of solid waste and every other week collection of recycling materials. This service is limited to ONE black container for solid waste. There is an additional charge for each additional black container with a maximum of four containers. However, green containers filled with trash will not be emptied.

Current Rates                                                        

  • One black container - $19.00                         
  • Two black containers - $23.89                        
  • Three black containers - $36.82                    
  • Four black containers - $49.74                      

Solid waste collection dates are address specific. If you are unsure of your trash/recycle collection day, please click the Trash & Recycling Calendar tab on the left hand side of this page.

Order an Additional Container or Lid Replacement

2025 Holiday Delay Schedule

Trash and recycling collection will be delayed one day on the following holidays:

  • New Year's Day, January 1
  • Thanksgiving Day, November 27
  • Christmas Day, December 25