Boards & Commissions

All Boards & Commissions & Applications

Board & Commission applications can be submitted through the Application links below, by emailing or printing and mailing it to the following address:

City of Thornton, City Clerk's Office, 2nd Level
9500 Civic Center Drive, Thornton, CO 80229-4326

City Council's Policy limits the appointment of any person to just one City Board, Commission, or Authority to provide a board representation of the community and opportunity for community members to serve. 

ADA Accommodations: To request an ADA accommodation or for questions related to accessibility, please contact Thornton’s ADA Coordinator via telephone (303-538-7334) or email

Building Code Advisory Board (BCAB)

The Building Code Advisory Board has several functions. All appeals of written rulings or administrative decisions of the Chief Building Official or the Fire Chief are taken to this Board. The Board may also determine the suitability of alternate methods and materials, and may be asked to provide reasonable interpretations of the provisions of the adopted building and fire codes. However, the Board has no authority to grant deviations or exceptions to the City’s Building or Fire Codes, and does not have the authority to recommend a decrease in public safety or fire-resistive standards as set forth in the Code.

Businesses of Thornton Advisory Commission (BTAC)

The Businesses of Thornton Advisory Commission represents Thornton businesses and makes recommendations to City Council on issues impacting the ability of businesses to be successful in Thornton. The Commission recommends to Council the use of the Vendor Fee funds on an annual basis, which is the source of funds used in commercial graffiti removal, Thornton business development programming, the shop-local campaign, and along with City staff, the Business Improvement Grant (BIG) Program. Applicants must be a business owner or manager.

Election Commission

The Election Commission makes ward reapportionment recommendations, assists with activities on election day and establishes City election precincts, along with other duties that may be set by City Council.

Local Licensing Authority​

The Local Licensing Authority (LLA) conducts hearings and makes findings of fact on whether to grant or deny liquor/beer licenses within the City of Thornton. The LLA reviews and considers applications for transfer of ownership, manager registration, change of location, request to modify the premises, and change of corporate structure. The LLA consists of nine members who must be at least twenty-one years of age and represent and reflect the conscience of the community.

The LLA meets on the third Wednesday of each month, at 6:00 p.m., unless otherwise stated. Meetings are held in person at the City of Thornton City Hall Council Chambers located at 9500 Civic Center Drive.

Parks & Open Space Advisory Commission (POSAC)

The Parks and Open Space Advisory Commission (POSAC) is a City Council appointed nine-member Commission charged with updating the Parks and Open Space Master Plan and making project recommendations to City Council. Beginning in January, the Commission generally meets every other month on the third Monday of the month, from 6-8pm. Meetings are in-person held at the recreation centers at either Trail Winds (13495 Holly St.), Margaret W. Carpenter (11151 Colorado Blvd.) or the Community Center (2211 Eppinger Blvd.). Meetings recently have included a Zoom option.

Thornton Active Adult Board

The purpose of the Thornton Active Adult Board is to promote and facilitate communications between the Board and City Council in matters impacting the needs and interest of citizens 55 years of age and older, and to better assist the City Council in being responsive and well advised as to issues of particular relevancy to active adults. The Board makes recommendations for the most appropriate and beneficial use of the Thornton Active Adult Center and how to improve and expand citywide services for active adults.

Thornton Arts, Sciences and Humanities Council (TASHCO) Board of Directors

The Thornton Arts, Sciences and Humanities Council (TASHCO) Board of Directors has existed since 1991 and is appointed by Thornton City Council which may select five to 12 members to serve on the TASHCO Board for unlimited four-year terms. Members meet monthly on Monday evenings and may also participate in subcommittees that meet separately and are created to support specific initiatives such as public art and community events.

Thornton Assistance Funds Committee

The Thornton Assistance Funds (TAF) Committee is an advisory committee that reviews the grant applications from nonprofit organizations that serve the basic needs of Thornton residents and promote self-sufficiency. The committee provides a recommendation to City Council on which nonprofit organizations to fund and the level of funding.