City Council Record of Votes - 2019

December 17, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemVacantMatkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Acunto, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Kulmann, MayorMarvin, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Mayor Pro Tem Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5. Approval of Agenda as AmendedVacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
6. Presentations:          
A. A resolution commending Mary Ellen Wollmann for her service on the Local Licensing Authority.VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. A resolution commending Jacquline Arcelin for her service on the Local Licensing Authority.VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A resolution recognizing the Leadership Team members of the Thornton Community Emergency Response Team for their efforts to train community disaster response volunteers.VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
10. Consent Calendar:VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
A. Approval of Minutes - December 3, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting.VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. Monthly Financial Report for October 2019.VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A resolution amending Council Policy 1.1 of Resolution C.D. No. 2019-021 regarding appointment of City Council representatives to various boards and commissions.VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
D. A resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between Adams County and the City regarding the Steele Street Extension from East 86th Avenue to East 88th Avenue and the Welby Road Intersection Improvements at East 88th Avenue.VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
E. A resolution approving the Second Amendment to the Non-Exclusive Right-of-Way Use Agreement between the City and Teleport Communications America, LLC.VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
F. A resolution terminating an Intergovernmental Agreement and approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and the City of Northglenn for traffic signal operation and maintenance.VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
G. A resolution approving a Memorandum of Agreement between the State of Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Division of Oil and Public Safety and the City permitting the City to inspect elevators and escalators within the City.VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
H. A resolution consenting to the filing of an application to change the use of Colorado Agricultural Ditch Company and Lower Clear Creek Ditch Company shares with the Water Court.VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
I. A resolution approving an amendment to the Standley Lake Park Intergovernmental Agreement among the City of Westminster, City of Northglenn, and City of Thornton, dated November 28, 1994, to allow for a one-year extension of its term.VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
J. A resolution authorizing the City to petition the Adams County District Court for the exclusion of the Adams County 88th Avenue Open Space Annexation from the South Adams County Fire Protection District.VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
K. An ordinance vacating the East 126th Avenue Right-of-Way, east of Lafayette Street, for a distance of approximately 139 feet. (First Reading)VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
11. Public Hearings:          
A. A public hearing regarding a resolution approving an Amendment to the Service Plan for York Street Metropolitan District and the First Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and York Street Metropolitan District regarding the Service Plan for the District.          
Motion that we (Council) reopen the public hearingVacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
12. Action Items:          
A. A motion approving the process for filling the Ward 4 vacancy.VacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
13. AdjournmentVacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed

December 3, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5. Approval of AgendaYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
10. Consent Calendar:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
A. Approval of Minutes - October 1, 2019 Special and October 22, 2019 Regular City Council Meetings.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance amending Sections 26-387 and 26-388 of the Thornton City Code pertaining to Sales Tax Rates. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. An ordinance amending Sections 42-702 (Definitions), 42-709 (Creations; duties and powers; composition and organization; title), 42-715 (General application requirements), and 42-716 (Licensing process - marijuana stores) of Article X, Marijuana Licensing of Chapter 42 of the Thornton City Code. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
D. Monthly Financial Report for September 2019.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
13. Presentations and Remarks:          
A. A resolution recognizing Eric Montoya for his leadership and contributions as a Ward 2 Councilmember for the City of Thornton.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. A resolution recognizing Councilmember Eric Tade for his leadership and contributions as a Ward 3 Councilmember for the City of Thornton.YesYesAbstainedYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A resolution recognizing Heidi K. Williams for her leadership and contributions as Mayor for the City of Thornton.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
ItemVacant Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Acunto, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Kulmann, MayorMarvin, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
20. AdjournmentVacantYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed

October 22, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5. Approval of AgendaYesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
10. Consent Calendar:YesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
A. Approval of Minutes - October 8, 2019 Special and Regular City Council Meetings.YesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance amending Sections 26-387 and 26-388 of the Thornton City Code pertaining to Sales Tax Rates. (First Reading)YesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A resolution adopting the 2020 City Council Meeting Schedule for the City and changing the dates for certain regular City Council meetings.YesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
D. A resolution approving a grant of Revocable Permit to occupy a portion of City of Thornton right-of-way.YesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
E. A resolution approving temporary and perpetual easements to NWC Development, LLC on Thornton's Farms 20, 109-E, and 109-W.YesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
F. A resolution designating a planned growth area in Adams and Weld Counties for the purposes of the Municipal Annexation Act.YesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
G. A resolution appointing a member to the Businesses of Thornton Advisory Commission.YesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
H. A resolution appointing a member to the Thornton Arts, Sciences and Humanities Council Board of Directors.YesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
12. Action Items:          
A. A resolution authorizing negotiations and, if necessary, eminent domain proceedings to acquire property interests necessary to construct the 128th Avenue and Colorado Boulevard Intersection Improvements project, the 144th Avenue and Colorado Boulevard Intersection Improvements project, and the 140th Avenue and Colorado Boulevard Traffic Signal project.YesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance amending Sections 42-702 (Definitions), 42-709 (Creations; duties and powers; composition and organization; title), 42-715 (General application requirements), and 42-716 (Licensing process - marijuana stores) of Article X, Marijuana Licensing of Chapter 42 of the Thornton City Code. (First Reading)YesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A resolution approving the 2020 Operating Plan and Budget for the RII-DII Business Improvement District (RII-DII Business Improvement District).YesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
D. A resolution authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an intergovernmental agreement by and between the City and the Douglas County Board of County Commissioners.YesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
13. AdjournmentYesYesYesNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed

October 8, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5. Approval of Agenda as AmendedYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
10. Consent Calendar:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
A. Approval of Minutes - September 17, Special City Council Meeting and September 24, 2019 Special and Regular City Council Meeting.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance adopting the eighth amendment to the 2019 Budget amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (Wes Brown Water Treatment Plant Optimization, Mapleton School Turn Lane). (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. Monthly Financial Report for August 2019.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
D. A resolution commending Kenneth Wilcox for his service on the Thornton Arts, Sciences and Humanities Council Board of Directors.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
11. Public Hearings:          
A. A public hearing regarding a resolution adopting the 2019 Comprehensive Plan to supersede the 2012 Comprehensive Plan.VACATEDVACATEDVACATEDVACATEDVACATEDVACATEDVACATEDVACATEDVACATED 
A1. A resolution designating a plan for the purposes of the Municipal Annexation Act regarding land in Adams and Weld Counties.RemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemoved 
12. Action Items:          
A. A resolution authorizing execution of the Delegation and Participation Agreement with the City and County of Denver to participate in the MetroDPA program.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
Motion to recess into executive sessionNoNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
13. AdjournmentYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed

September 24, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5. Approval of Agenda as AmendedYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
6. Presentations:          
A. A resolution declaring October 6 through October 12, 2019 as National Fire Prevention Week and October 5 and October 6, 2019 as National Fallen Firefighters' Memorial Weekend.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
Motion for an executive session for this eveningYesNoYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
Motion that we [Council] work to develop an attendance policyYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
10. Consent Calendar:          
A. Approval of Minutes - September 10, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado, for the fiscal year 2020, for all operating funds and making appropriations for all capital improvement projects for the City of Thornton, Colorado, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020, and continuing for each project until that project is completed or cancelled, and regulating the payment of money out of the City treasury. (Second reading)YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
C. An ordinance repealing Ordinance 3530 and Ordinance 3502 and reenacting an ordinance revising and prescribing sewer rates and charges and solid waste charges for the operation and maintenance of the sewer and solid waste systems for the City. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
D. An ordinance providing for the tax levy upon all taxable property in the City for municipal purposes. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
E. A resolution approving a Non-Exclusive Revocable Permit to Adams County School District 14 to utilize certain areas and facilities at City Hall for an Ultra-High Frequency Repeater Antenna.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
F. A resolution approving a Non-Exclusive Revocable Permit to Pinnacle Charter School to utilize certain areas and facilities at City Hall for an Ultra-High Frequency Repeater Antenna.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
11. Public Hearings:          
A. A public hearing regarding a resolution authorizing the submission of the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report for the 2018 Community Development Block Grant program year.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
12. Action Items:          
A. A resolution supporting the ballot proposal to increase mill levy funding for Anythink, also known as the Rangeview Library District, allowing it to expand its services, which proposal will be considered by the voters at the election to be held on November 5, 2019.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
B. A resolution approving an Economic Development Incentive Agreement between the City and Murphy Group Holdings, Inc. for the location of their employment operation to 12789 Emerson Street in Thornton.YesYesYesNoNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A resolution approving an Economic Development Incentive Agreement between the City and Thorncreek Properties LLC.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
D. A resolution authorizing negotiations and, if necessary, eminent domain proceedings to acquire property interests necessary to construct the Thornton Water Project.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
E. A resolution supporting the grant application and matching funds commitment for the U.S. Department of Interior - Bureau of Reclamation FY20 WaterSMART: Water and Energy Efficiency Program VOR-DO-20-F001.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
F. An ordinance adopting the eighth amendment to the 2019 Budget amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (Wes Brown Water Treatment Plant Optimization, Mapleton School Turn Lane) (First Reading)YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
G. A resolution concerning the action of Councilmembers.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
Motion to recess into executive sessionYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
13. AdjournmentYesNo presentYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed

September 10, 2019 Council, Special TASHCO, Annual GID, and Annual E911 Meetings

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5. Approval of AgendaYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
Motion for a resolution for Councilmembers to not use profanity directed to other councilmembers in public emails, not make threats to other councilmembers of any kind, and not make charging accusations directed to other councilmembers at council meetings.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
10. Consent Calendar:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
A. Approval of Minutes - August 20, 2019 Special Meeting and August 27, 2019 Special and Regular City Council Meetings.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. Monthly Financial Report for July 2019.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and School District 27J for a joint School Resource Officer Program.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
D. A resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and the Front Range Community College's North Metro Small Business Development Center.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
E. A resolution appointing a member to the Local Licensing Authority.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
11. Public Hearings:          
A. A public hearing regarding a resolution adopting Pay Plan for Career Service Employees of the City of Thornton, Colorado, for the calendar year of 2020.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. A public hearing regarding the 2020 City of Thornton Budget.          
1) A resolution adopting a budget for the City of Thornton, Colorado, for the period beginning January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
2) A resolution adopting a Pay Plan for Excluded employees for the City for the calendar year of 2020.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
3) An ordinance making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado, for the fiscal year 2020, for all operating funds and making appropriations for all capital improvement projects for the City of Thornton, Colorado, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020, and continuing for each project until that project is completed or cancelled, and regulating the payment of money out of the City treasury.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
4) An ordinance repealing Ordinance 3530 and Ordinance 3502 and reenacting an ordinance revising and prescribing sewer rates and charges and solid waste charges for the operation and maintenance of the sewer and solid waste systems for the City.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
5) An ordinance providing for the tax levy upon all taxable property in the City for municipal purposes.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A public hearing regarding an ordinance amending Chapter 10, Articles I, II, and III, and repealing and reenacting the provisions of Article IV of the Thornton City Code pertaining to adoption by reference of the 2018 Edition of the following codes: International Building Code, International Plumbing Code, International Mechanical Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Residential Code, International Energy Conservation Code, International Existing Building Code, International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, the 2017 Edition of the National Electrical Code, and local amendments thereto. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
D. A public hearing regarding an ordinance amending Chapter 10 of the Thornton City Code by adopting by reference the 2018 International Fire Code and amendments thereto. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
12. Action Items:          
A. An ordinance approving a Zoning Amendment for approximately 62 acres of land generally located south of East 156th Avenue between Holly Street and Monaco Street to reconfigure the Single-Family Detached and Parks and Open Space designations. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance approving a rezoning of approximately 16 acres of land generally located south of East 126th Avenue between Lafayette Street and Claude Court to modify the designation from Business Park to Planned Development, including an Overall Development Plan/Conceptual Site Plan, and Planned Development Standards to develop a residential neighborhood (Huffy Business Park - Eastlake Station North). (Second Reading)YesYesYesNoNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
13. Adjournment          
TASHCO - AgendaYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TASHCO - MinutesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TASHCO - A resolution adopting a budget for the Thornton Arts, Sciences And Humanities Council, Inc. (TASHCO) beginning January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TASHCO - AdjournmentYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TDA - AgendaYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TDA - MinutesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TDA - A resolution adopting a budget for the Thornton Development Authority (TDA) beginning January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020, and appropriating the funds for expenditure in 2020.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoPassed
TDA - AdjournmentYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
GID - AgendaYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
GID - MinutesYesYesAbstainedYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
GID - A resolution adopting a budget for the City of Thornton 136th Avenue General Improvement District beginning January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020, and appropriating the funds for expenditure in 2020.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
GID - A resolution providing for the tax levy upon all taxable property in the 136th Avenue General Improvement District of the City of Thornton, Colorado, for the purpose of financing interchange construction.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
GID - AdjournmentYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
E911 - AgendaYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
E911 - MinutesYesYesAbstainedYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
E911 - A resolution adopting the 2020 Budget for the Thornton E-911 Authority beginning January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020 and appropriating the funds for expenditure in 2020.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
E911 - AdjournmentYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed

August 27, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5. Approval of Agenda as AmendedYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
10. Consent Calendar:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
A. Approval of Minutes - August 13, 2019 Special and Regular City Council Meetings.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance amending Section 18-17 of the Thornton City Code to incorporate dangerous major surface distress as a blighting factor and amending Section 18-601 of the Thornton City Code to clarify maintenance standards for off-street parking and private streets, private accesses, private drives, access drives, and other vehicle access easements. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. An ordinance amending Section 38-386 of the Thornton City Code to define "major surface distress" and "dangerous major surface distress" and amending Section 38-393 of the Thornton City Code to declare dangerous major surface distress to be a nuisance. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
D. An ordinance providing for the disconnection from the City of 1.121 acres of property generally located east of Steele Street and south of East 86th Avenue (West Gravel Lakes Disconnection). (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
E. A resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and the State of Colorado Department of Labor and Employment for the verification of financial information for indigent persons who request Court appointed counsel or payment plans.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
F. A resolution ratifying and approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and the Fraternal Order of Police Thornton Lodge 16.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
12. Action Items:          
A. A resolution approving a First Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Willow Bend Metropolitan District regarding the Amended Service Plan for the District.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. A resolution amending Attachment 10, Chapter 2, Rights-of-Way Management of Resolution C.D. 2018-214, to establish small cell wireless facilities permitting fees.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A resolution appointing a member to the Development Permits and Appeals Board.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
11. Public Hearings:          
A. A public hearing regarding a Zoning Amendment and Conceptual Site Plan for property generally located south of East 156th Avenue between Holly Street and Monaco Street (Westwood).          
1) An ordinance approving a Zoning Amendment for approximately 62 acres of land generally located south of East 156th Avenue between Holly Street and Monaco Street to reconfigure the Single-Family Detached and Parks and Open Space designations (Westwood).YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
2) A resolution approving a Conceptual Site Plan for single-family detached residential development on property generally located south of East 156th Avenue between Holly Street and Monaco Street (Westwood).YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
B. A public hearing regarding a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and a Rezoning with an associated Overall Development Plan/Conceptual Site Plan, and Planned Development Standards for property generally located south of East 126th Avenue between Lafayette Street and Claude Court (Huffy Business Park - Eastlake Station North).          
1) A resolution approving a Comprehensive Plan Amendment of approximately 16 acres of land generally located south of East 126th Avenue between Lafayette Street and Claude Court to modify the designation from Employment Center to Residential High (Huffy Business Park - Eastlake Station North).YesYesYesNoNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
2) An ordinance approving a rezoning of approximately 16 acres of land generally located south of East 126th Avenue between Lafayette Street and Claude Court to modify the designation from Business Park to Planned Development, including an Overall Development Plan/Conceptual Site Plan, and Planned Development Standards to develop a residential neighborhood (Huffy Business Park - Eastlake Station North).YesYesYesNoNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A public hearing regarding a resolution approving the Service Plan for Eastlake Station North Metropolitan District and the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Eastlake Station North Metropolitan District regarding the Service Plan for the District.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
13. AdjournmentYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed

August 13, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5. Approval of AgendaYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
6. Presentations:          
A. A resolution conveying the City Council's gratitude and appreciation to Diane Maes for her many contributions during the past twenty years of dedicated service to the City.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
10. Consent Calendar:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
A. Approval of Minutes - July 16, 2019 Special and July 23, 2019 Special and Regular City Council Meetings.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. Monthly Financial Report for June 2019.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A resolution accepting the City of Thornton Firefighters' Old Hire Pension Plan Annual Report of the plan's financial status.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
D. A resolution authorizing assignment of the City's 2019 Private Activity Bond allocation to the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority, pursuant to the Colorado Private Activity Bond Ceiling Allocation Act.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
E. A resolution rescheduling the November 19, 2019 Regular City Council meeting to November 12, 2019 and changing the time of the December 3, 2019 Regular City Council meeting to 6:00 p.m.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
11. Public Hearings:          
A. A public hearing regarding parking area and vehicle access surface maintenance requirements and associated enforcement processes.          
1) An ordinance amending Section 18-17 of the Thornton City Code to incorporate dangerous major surface distress as a blighting factor and amending Section 18-601 of the Thornton City Code to clarify maintenance standards for off-street parking and private streets, private accesses, private drives, access drives, and other vehicle access easements.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
2) An ordinance amending Section 38-386 of the Thornton City Code to define "major surface distress" and "dangerous major surface distress" and amending Section 38-393 of the Thornton City Code to declare dangerous major surface distress to be a nuisance.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. A public hearing regarding the disconnection of property from the City and a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 1.121 acres of land generally located east of Steele Street and south of East 86th Avenue (West Gravel Lakes Disconnection).          
1) An ordinance providing for the disconnection from the City of 1.121 acres of property generally located east of Steele Street and south of East 86th Avenue (West Gravel Lakes Disconnection).YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
2) A resolution approving a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 1.121 acres of property generally located east of Steele Street and south of East 86th Avenue to remove the property from the Future Land Use Map (West Gravel Lakes Disconnection).YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
12. Action Items:          
A. An ordinance amending Chapter 10, Articles I, II, and III, and repealing and reenacting the provisions of Article IV of the Thornton City Code pertaining to adoption by reference of the 2018 Edition of the following codes: International Building Code, International Plumbing Code, International Mechanical Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Residential Code, International Energy Conservation Code, International Existing Building Code, International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, the 2017 Edition of the National Electrical Code, and local amendments thereto. (First Reading)YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance amending Chapter 10 of the Thornton City Code by adopting by reference the 2018 International Fire Code and amendments thereto. (First Reading)YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
13. AdjournmentYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
MLA - Approval of AgendaYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
MLA - Approval of Minutes for July 24, 2018YesYesAbstainedYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
5. Business:          
A. Appeal of Hearing Officer's Decision to Renew AJS Thornton, LLC's Retail Marijuana License.          
Motion to reverse the hearing officer and follow the language in the proposed order from the Assistant City Attorney.YesYesYesNoYesYesYesYesYesPassed
7. AdjournmentYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed

July 23, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5. Approval of AgendaNo presentNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentPassed
10. Consent Calendar:          
A. Approval of Minutes - July 9, 2019 Special and Regular City Council Meetings.No presentNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentPassed
B. An ordinance adopting the seventh amendment to the 2019 Budget (Fire Station No. 1 Relocation and Firefighters) amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (Second Reading)No presentNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentPassed
C. An ordinance amending Subsection 1-8(b) of the Thornton City Code pertaining to General Penalty and maximum period of incarceration. (Second Reading)No presentNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentPassed
D. A resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Adams County Clerk and Recorder and the City providing for the November 5, 2019 Thornton Regular Municipal Election to be held as part of the coordinated mail ballot election to be conducted by the Adams County Clerk and Recorder.No presentNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentPassed
E. A resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement among the City, the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, and Adams County regarding funding of a Major Drainageway Plan for the Direct Flow Area 0054 Drainage Basin.No presentNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentPassed
11. Public Hearings:          
A. A public hearing regarding a resolution approving the Service Plan for Village at North Creek Metropolitan District and the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Village at North Creek Metropolitan District regarding the Service Plan for the District.No presentNo presentYesYesNo presentYesYesYesNo presentPassed
13. AdjournmentNo presentNo presentYesYesNo presentYesYesYesNo presentPassed

July 9, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5. Approval of AgendaYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
6. Presentations:          
A. A resolution conveying the City Council's gratitude and appreciation to Paulette Neal-Allen for her many contributions during the past twenty years of dedicated service to the City.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
10. Consent Calendar:          
A. Approval of Minutes - June 25, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance adopting the sixth amendment to the 2019 Budget (Development Engineering Project Manager, contract Administrative Specialist, and developer-funded turn lane) amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. Monthly Financial Report for May 2019.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
D. An ordinance amending Subsection 1-8(b) of the Thornton City Code pertaining to General Penalty and maximum period of incarceration. (First Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
12. Action Items:          
A. An ordinance adopting the seventh amendment to the 2019 Budget (Fire Station No. 1 Relocation and Firefighters) amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (First Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. A resolution approving temporary and perpetual non-exclusive easements to Outrigger Energy DJ Operating, LLC on Thornton's Farms 28-4, 40-5, 53-6, 60-1, 60-2, 66, 73, 80, 92-3, 92-34, 93, 107-5, and 118-2.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A resolution repealing City Council Policy 3.1 of Resolution C.D. No. 2015-188 regarding the sale or distribution of materials at City events.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesPassed
13. AdjournmentYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed

June 25, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5. Approval of Agenda as AmendedYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesPassed
10. Consent Calendar:          
A. Approval of Minutes - June 11, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting.YesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesPassed
B. A resolution approving the First Amendment to the Non-Exclusive Right-of-Way Use Agreement between the City and Teleport Communications America, LLC.YesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesPassed
C. A resolution approving a Non-Exclusive Revocable Permit to Mapleton Public Schools to utilize certain areas and facilities at City Hall for an Ultra-High Frequency Repeater Antenna.YesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesPassed
12. Action Items:          
A. An ordinance adopting the fifth amendment to the 2019 Budget amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled.YesNoYesNoYesYesNo presentYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance adopting the sixth amendment to the 2019 Budget (Development Engineering Project Manager, contract Administrative Specialist, and developer-funded turn lane) amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled.YesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesPassed
11. Public Hearings:          
A. A public hearing regarding a resolution confirming a Conceptual Site Plan for approximately 123 acres of land generally located west of Quebec Street and south of East 128th Avenue to develop 264 single-family detached dwelling units and a park (Creekside Village Residential).YesYesYesYesNo presentYesNo presentYesYesPassed
13. AdjournmentYesYesYesYesNo presentYesNo presentYesYesPassed

June 11, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5. Approval of AgendaYesYesNo presentYesNo presentNo presentYesYesNo presentPassed
10. Consent Calendar:          
A. Approval of Minutes - May 21, 2019 Special and May 28, 2019 Regular City Council Meetings.YesYesNo presentYesNo presentNo presentYesYesNo presentPassed
B. An ordinance adopting the fourth amendment to the 2019 Budget amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (Second Reading)YesYesNo presentYesNo presentNo presentYesYesNo presentPassed
C. Monthly Financial Report for April 2019.YesYesNo presentYesNo presentNo presentYesYesNo presentPassed
D. Report of independent auditors for year ended December 31, 2018.YesYesNo presentYesNo presentNo presentYesYesNo presentPassed
E. A resolution declaring 65 water shares in the North Poudre Irrigation Company as surplus property and authorizing disposition of the shares.MOVED TO 12CMOVED TO 12CMOVED TO 12CMOVED TO 12CMOVED TO 12CMOVED TO 12CMOVED TO 12CMOVED TO 12CMOVED TO 12CMOVED TO 12C
F. A resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Mapleton School District No. 1, Adams County, Colorado for the construction and maintenance of a school play yard funded in part with a Great Outdoors Colorado grant.YesYesNo presentYesNo presentNo presentYesYesNo presentPassed
G. A resolution approving a Grant Agreement between the City and the State Board of the Great Outdoors Colorado Trust Fund for the School Yard Initiative Grant Award.YesYesNo presentYesNo presentNo presentYesYesNo presentPassed
H. A resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Boulder County for delivery by the City and the acceptance by Boulder County of recyclable materials at the Boulder County Recycling Center.YesYesNo presentYesNo presentNo presentYesYesNo presentPassed
11. Public Hearings:          
A. A public hearing regarding a resolution approving and authorizing submission of the 2019 Annual Action Plan and the associated activities for Community Development Block Grant funding.YesYesNo presentYesNo presentNo presentYesYesNo presentPassed
12. Action Items:          
A. An ordinance adopting the fifth amendment to the 2019 Budget amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (Second Reading)RemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemoved
B. An ordinance amending Section 9.7 of Ordinance 3502 revising and prescribing special and additional solid waste or recyclable material collection requests for the operation and maintenance of the sewer and solid waste systems for the City. (Second Reading)YesYesNo presentYesNo presentNo presentYesYesNo presentPassed
E. A resolution declaring 65 water shares in the North Poudre Irrigation Company as surplus property and authorizing disposition of the shares.YesYesNo presentYesNo presentNo presentYesYesNo presentPassed
13. AdjournmentYesYesNo presentYesNo presentNo presentYesYesNo presentPassed

May 28, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5. Approval of AgendaYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
6. Presentations:          
A. Presentation of the Denver Regional Council of Governments 2019 Distinguished Service Award to Kent Moorman, Regional Transportation Engineer.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
10. Consent Calendar:          
A. Approval of Minutes - May 7, 2019 Special and May 14, 2019 Special and Regular City Council Meetings.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance vacating the Claude Court Right-of-Way, north of 124th Avenue/Eastlake Avenue, for a distance of approximately 321 feet. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
C. An ordinance amending Chapter 58 of the Thornton City Code pertaining to solid waste and recyclable collection provided by the City to its residents. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
D. A resolution reappointing Charles W. Long to the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District Board of Directors for the term ending June 30, 2021.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
E. A resolution authorizing vacation of an existing 10-foot utility easement along the western boundary of Lot 2A of Thornton Sam's Club Subdivision, First Amendment, located northwest of Grant Street and 97th Avenue.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
F. A resolution appointing Associate Judges for the City of Thornton Municipal Court through June 1, 2021.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
12. Action Items:          
A. An ordinance adopting the fourth amendment to the 2019 Budget amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (First Reading)YesNoYesNoNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
B. A resolution authorizing the disposition of oil and gas mineral rights owned by the City of Thornton in Adams County.YesYesYesNoNo presentNoYesYesNoPassed
13. AdjournmentYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed

May 14, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5. Approval of AgendaYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
6. Presentations:          
A. A resolution authorizing the distribution of the 2019 Thornton Assistance Funds to nonprofit organizations that help Thornton residents meet their basic needs and enhance their ability to be self-sufficient.YesYesNo presentYesAbstainedYesAbstainedYesYesPassed
B. A resolution commending the 2019 Thornton Assistance Funds Committee for their services.YesYesNo presentYesYesYesAbstainedYesYesPassed
10. Consent Calendar:YesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
A. Approval of Minutes - April 16, 2019 Special and April 23, 2019 Regular City Council Meetings.YesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. Monthly Financial Report for March 2019.YesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. An ordinance vacating the Claude Court Right-of-Way, north of 124th Avenue/Eastlake Avenue, for a distance of approximately 321 feet. (First Reading)YesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
D. A resolution appointing a member to the Building Code Advisory Board.YesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
E. A resolution declaring a parcel of land at 81st Avenue and Steele Street as surplus property and authorizing its disposition.YesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
F. A resolution approving temporary and perpetual easements to NWC Development, LLC on Thornton's Farms 25, 79, and 92-3.YesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
G. A resolution approving temporary and perpetual easements to Cheyenne Connector Pipeline, Inc. on Thornton's Farms 11, 16, 40-5, 60-19, 79, and 96E.YesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
H. A resolution authorizing a Non-Exclusive Right-of-Way Use Agreement between the City and Adams 12 Five Star Schools.YesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
I. A resolution approving a Restated Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Adams 12 Five Star Schools for improvements to Skyview Elementary School's playground equipment within Northaven Park.YesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
12. Action Items:          
A. An ordinance amending Section 9.7 of Ordinance 3502 revising and prescribing special and additional solid waste or recyclable material collection requests for the operation and maintenance of the sewer and solid waste systems for the City. (First Reading)YesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance amending Chapter 58 of the Thornton City Code pertaining to solid waste and recyclable collection provided by the City to its residents. (First Reading)YesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A resolution declaring the oil and gas mineral rights owned by the City of Thornton in Adams County as surplus property and authorizing their disposition.          
Motion to adopt the first half of this resolution (above) and then after further discussion with an executive session come back on the 28th and revisit the second half of this.YesYesNo presentYesYesNoYesYesYesPassed
D. A resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Stargate Charter School for a joint School Resource Officer Program.YesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesAbstainedPassed
13. AdjournmentYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed

April 23, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
4. Approval of Agenda as AmendedYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
5. Presentations:          
A. A resolution conveying the City Council's gratitude and appreciation to Eduardo M. Moreno for his many contributions during the past twenty years of dedicated service to the City.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
9. Consent Calendar:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
A. Approval of Minutes - April 2, 2019 Special and April 9, 2019 Special and Regular City Council Meetings.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
B. An ordinance amending Thornton City Code Section 18-901 to add a definition of "Indoor Shooting Range", amending Section 18-160 to authorize additional permitted uses within the Business Park and Regional Commercial Zoning Districts, amending Section 18-596 to add off-street parking requirements pertaining to the "Indoor Shooting Range" use, and enacting Section 18-333 pertaining to "Indoor Shooting Range." (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
C. An ordinance adopting the third amendment to the 2019 Budget amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
D. Monthly Financial Report for February 2019.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
E. A resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and the City and County of Denver for use of grant money authorized by the United States Department of Homeland Security awarded through Urban Area Security Initiative grants.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
F. A resolution expressing the intent of the City to be reimbursed expenses relating to financing construction of a new active adult center.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
G. A resolution expressing the intent of the City to be reimbursed expenses relating to financing construction improvements to the Margaret W. Carpenter Recreation Center.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
H. A resolution approving the City Manager's appointment of Kim Newhart as the Interim Director of Finance/City Treasurer for the City of Thornton, effective May 1, 2019.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
I. A resolution amending City Council Policy 4.4 of Resolution C.D. No. 2016-073 regarding Ward Reapportionment.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
10. Public Hearings:          
A. A public hearing regarding a resolution approving a Conceptual Site Plan for a proposed commercial and lodging development on approximately 12 acres of land generally located at the southwest corner of West 88th Avenue and Interstate 25 (Conifer Crossing).          
Motion to deny (above)YesYesYesYesNoYesYesNo presentYesPassed
11. Action Items:          
A. An ordinance amending the City Council Policy regarding the Rules of Order and Procedure for City Council meetings to add a Moment of Silence. (Second Reading)YesYesYesNoYesYesNoNo presentYesPassed
Motion to recess into Executive SessionYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
12. AdjournmentYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed

April 9, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
4. Approval of Agenda as AmendedYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
5. Presentations:          
A. A resolution declaring the month of April 2019 as Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month in the City of Thornton.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
B. A resolution recognizing Bruce W. McRae, Technical Support Specialist II, on his retirement from the City.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
9. Consent Calendar:          
A. Approval of Minutes - March 19, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
B. An ordinance enacting Section 38-358 of the Thornton City Code pertaining to regulations for Unmanned Aircraft Systems. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
C. Monthly Financial Report for January 2019.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
D. A resolution changing the time for the November 19 and December 3, 2019 City Council meetings to 6:00 p.m.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
E. A resolution adopting the Bylaws of the Judicial Appointment and Retention Advisory Commission.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
F. A resolution adopting a new City of Thornton Drought Management Plan.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
G. A resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Larkridge Metropolitan District No. 2 for Lot 1 of Larkridge Subdivision, Filing 2, Amendment 5, property located in the northeast corner of 160th Avenue and I-25.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
10. Public Hearings:          
A. A public hearing regarding a resolution accepting the 2019 Housing Needs Assessment and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesNo presentYesPassed
B. A public hearing regarding an ordinance amending Thornton City Code Section 18-901 to add a definition of "Indoor Shooting Range", amending Section 18-160 to authorize additional permitted uses within the Business Park and Regional Commercial Zoning Districts, amending Section 18-596 to add off-street parking requirements pertaining to the "Indoor Shooting Range" use, and enacting Section 18-333 pertaining to "Indoor Shooting Range."YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
11. Action Items:          
A. An ordinance approving a Zoning Amendment of 11.653 acres to amend the Planned Development Standards and the Overall Development Plan/Conceptual Site Plan for the property located northwest of the intersection of East 128th Avenue and Grant Drive (Rolling Hills Subdivision, Filing No. 6). (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentNoPassed
B. An ordinance amending the City Council Policy regarding the Rules of Order and Procedure for City Council meetings to add a Moment of Silence. (First Reading)YesYesYesNoYesYesNoNo presentYesPassed
C. An ordinance adopting the third amendment to the 2019 Budget amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (First Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesPassed
12. AdjournmentYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesNo presentYesPassed

March 19, 2019 Council, Annual TASHCO, and Annual TDA Meetings

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
4. Approval of Agenda as AmendedYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
5. Presentations:          
A. A resolution conveying the City Council's gratitude and appreciation to Amy M. Young for her many contributions during the past twenty years of dedicated service to the City.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
Motion to bring forward an amendment to Council's Rules of Order to add a moment of silence to the agendaYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoYesPassed
9. Consent Calendar:          
A. Approval of Minutes - February 23, 2019 Special and February 26, 2019 Regular City Council Meetings.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance adopting the second amendment to the 2019 Budget amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. An ordinance amending Section 18-160 of the Thornton City Code to clarify allowances for group homes in certain nonresidential zoning districts. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
D. A resolution appointing a member to the Thornton Active Adult Board.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
E. A resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and the State of Colorado for the use of excess personal property for law enforcement purposes.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
F. A resolution appointing Associate Judges for the City of Thornton Municipal Court through May 15, 2019 or until subsequent appointments are made by City Council following the recommendations of the Judicial Appointment and Retention Advisory Commission.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
10. Public Hearings:          
A. A public hearing regarding an ordinance approving a Zoning Amendment of 11.653 acres to amend the Planned Development Standards and the Overall Development Plan/Conceptual Site Plan for the property located northwest of the intersection of East 128th Avenue and Grant Drive (Rolling Hills Subdivision, Filing No. 6).YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoPassed
B. A public hearing regarding a resolution approving a Conceptual Site Plan for a proposed commercial and lodging development on approximately 12 acres of land generally located at the southwest corner of West 88th Avenue and Interstate 25 (Conifer Crossing).RemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemoved
11. Action Items:          
A. Motion to withdraw the motion from the December 18, 2018 City Council meeting.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
A. An ordinance enacting Section 38-358 of the Thornton City Code pertaining to regulations for Unmanned Aircraft Systems. (First Reading)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
12. AdjournmentYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TASHCO - Approval of AgendaYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TASHCO - Approval of MinutesYesYesAbstainedYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TASHCO - 2018 Annual Report on the Thornton Arts, Sciences and Humanities Council.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TASHCO - AdjournmentYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TDA - Approval of AgendaYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TDA - Approval of MinutesYesYesAbstainedYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TDA - 2018 Thornton Development Authority Annual Report.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TDA - A resolution approving an Incentive Agreement between the Thornton Development Authority and DBC West 84th Thornton, LLC for reimbursement of environmental expenses related to the development of a Dutch Brothers Coffee Shop at 41 W. 84th Avenue.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
TDA - AdjournmentYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed

February 26, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
4. Approval of Agenda as AmendedYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesPassed
9. Consent Calendar:YesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesPassed
A. Approval of Minutes - February 12, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting.YesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance enacting new Sections 2-243 and 2-244 to Article VI of the Thornton City Code to establish rules for determining residency and rules for the timing of filling a vacancy in the office of Councilmember. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesPassed
C. An ordinance adopting the first amendment to the 2019 Budget amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (Second Reading)YesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesPassed
D. Monthly Financial Report for December 2018.YesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesPassed
E. A resolution reappointing members to the Thornton Arts, Sciences and Humanities Council Board of Directors.YesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesPassed
F. A resolution amending Council Policy 1.1 of Resolution C.D. No. 2018-169 regarding appointment of City Council representatives to various boards and commissions for 2018 and 2019.YesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesPassed
G. A resolution approving temporary and perpetual easements to NWC Development, LLC on Thornton's Farms 47, 49S, 95, and 113.YesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesPassed
10. Public Hearings:          
A. A public hearing regarding an ordinance amending Section 18-160 of the Thornton City Code to clarify allowances for group homes in certain nonresidential zoning districts.YesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesPassed
11. Action Items:          
A. A resolution authorizing the City to apply for and the City Manager to accept, on behalf of the City, grant monies and enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Northglenn for a Shared Victim Services Unit for the Cities.YesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance adopting the second amendment to the 2019 Budget amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (First Reading)YesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesPassed
​C. A motion regarding leasing oil and gas minerals and force pooling on City-owned properties.​REMOVED​REMOVED​REMOVED​REMOVED​REMOVED​REMOVED​REMOVED​REMOVED​REMOVED​REMOVED
12. AdjournmentYesYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesPassed

February 12, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
4. Approval of Agenda as AmendedYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
9. Consent Calendar:YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
A. Approval of Minutes - January 22, 2019 Regular and January 29, 2019 Special City Council Meetings.YesYesAbstainedYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
B. A resolution appointing a member to the Businesses of Thornton Advisory Commission.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A resolution appointing members to the Judicial Appointment and Retention Advisory Commission.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
D. An ordinance enacting new Sections 2-243 and 2-244 to Article VI of the Thornton City Code to establish rules for determining residency and rules for the timing of filling a vacancy in the office of Councilmember. (First Reading)YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
10. Public Hearings:          
A. A public hearing regarding an ordinance approving a Zoning Amendment of 11.653 acres to amend the Planned Development Standards and the Overall Development Plan/Conceptual Site Plan for the property located northwest of the intersection of East 128th Avenue and Grant Drive (Rolling Hills Subdivision, Filing No. 6).RemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemovedRemoved
11. Action Items:          
A. An ordinance enacting Section 38-492 of the Thornton City Code pertaining to the regulation of bicycles approaching intersections. (Second Reading)YesNoYesYesNo presentYesYesNoYesPassed
B. An ordinance adopting the first amendment to the 2019 Budget amending section one of Ordinance 3503, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2019 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (First Reading)YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A resolution approving the City's 2019 Federal Legislative Priorities.YesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
Motion to recess into Executive SessionYesYesYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
12. AdjournmentYesNo presentYesYesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed

January 29, 2019 Special Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Tade, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
5A. Administration of Oath of Office to Mr. Eric Tade, Ward 3 City Councilmember, by the Honorable Judge Charles Rose.          
6. AdjournmentYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPassed

January 22, 2019 Council and Special TDA Meetings

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Vacant, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
4. Approval of AgendaYesYes YesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
5. Presentations:          
A. A resolution commending Catherine Martin for her service on the Building Code Advisory Board.YesYes YesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
9. Consent Calendar:YesYes YesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
A. Approval of Minutes - January 8, 2019 Special and Regular City Council Meetings.YesYes YesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance amending Subsection 38-523(G)(4) of the Thornton City Code pertaining to the authority given to the traffic engineer to set fees to be charged for the issuance of traffic control permits. (Second Reading)YesYes YesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
C. An ordinance approving a Rezoning of approximately six acres of property to Community Retail and amending the Official Zoning Map to allow for the development of commercial land uses for property generally located at the northeast corner of East 144th Avenue and Washington Street (Stargate Commercial). (Second Reading)AbstainedYes YesNo presentYesYesYesAbstainedPassed
D. A resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Adams County for Sanitary Sewer Pipeline from the Big Dry Creek Sanitary Sewer Lift Station to the Todd Creek Sanitary Sewer Interceptor.YesYes YesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
E. A resolution declaring the Fort Lupton Pit Property as surplus property and authorizing its disposition.YesYes YesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
11. Action Items:          
A. A resolution appointing a representative to the City Council Ward 3 vacancy to serve the remainder of the term of office that was vacated.YesYes YesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance enacting Section 38-492 of the Thornton City Code pertaining to the regulation of bicycles approaching intersections. (First Reading)YesNo YesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
12. AdjournmentYesYes YesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
TDA - Approval of AgendaYesYes YesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
TDA - Approval of MinutesYesYes YesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
TDA - A resolution adopting the first amendment to the 2019 Budget for the Thornton Development Authority beginning January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019, and appropriating the funds for expenditure in 2019.YesYes YesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed
TDA - AdjournmentYesYes YesNo presentYesYesYesYesPassed

January 8, 2019 Council Meeting

ItemKulmann, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 4Matkowsky, Councilmember, Ward 4Vacant, Councilmember, Ward 3Nizam, Councilmember, Ward 3Williams, MayorMontoya, Councilmember, Ward 2Sandgren, Councilmember, Ward 2Goodman, Councilmember, Ward 1Phillips, Councilmember, Ward 1Vote Pass/Fail
4. Approval of AgendaYesYes YesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
9. Consent Calendar:YesYes YesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
A. Approval of Minutes - December 11, 2018 Special and December 18, 2018 Special and Regular City Council Meetings.YesYes YesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
B. An ordinance amending Thornton City Code Sections 26-57, 26-176, 26-221, 26-226 through 26-228, 26-230, Subsection 26-256(c), and Section 26-293 to increase purchasing limits established in the Purchasing Ordinance. (Second Reading)YesYes YesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
C. A resolution designating Thornton City Hall as the public place to post notices and agendas of regular, special, and other open meetings of the City Council, any board, committee, commission, authority, or local public body of the City for the calendar year 2019.YesYes YesYesYesYesYesYesPassed
10. Public Hearings:          
A public hearing regarding a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning, and Conceptual Site Plan for approximately six acres of land generally located at the northeast corner of East 144th Avenue and Washington Street for non-residential development (Stargate Commercial).          
1) A resolution approving a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for approximately six acres of property generally located at the northeast corner of East 144th Avenue and Washington Street to change the designation of the property from Urban Village to Commercial and amending the Future Land Use Map (Stargate Commercial).No presentYes YesYesYesYesYesNo presentPassed
2) An ordinance approving a Rezoning of approximately six acres of property to Community Retail and amending the Official Zoning Map to allow for the development of commercial land uses for property generally located at the northeast corner of East 144th Avenue and Washington Street (Stargate Commercial).No presentYes YesYesYesYesYesNo presentPassed
3) A resolution approving a Conceptual Site Plan to allow for the development of future commercial land uses on the property generally located at the northeast corner of East 144th Avenue and Washington Street (Stargate Commercial).No presentYes YesYesYesYesYesNo presentPassed
11. Action Items:          
A. A resolution approving the City's 2019 State Legislative Priorities.YesYes YesYesYesYesYesNo presentPassed
B. An ordinance amending Subsection 38-523(G)(4) of the Thornton City Code pertaining to the authority given to the traffic engineer to set fees to be charged for the issuance of traffic control permits. (First Reading)YesYes YesYesYesYesYesNo presentPassed
C. A resolution amending Attachment 4 and Attachment 10 of Resolution C.D. No. 2018-214, to transfer the Floodplain Development Fee from Attachment 10 to Attachment 4 and institute the Developer's Agreement Review Fee and Rights-of-Way Closure Fees.YesYes YesNo presentYesYesYesNo presentPassed
12. AdjournmentYesYes YesYesYesYesYesNo presentPassed