Traffic Signals & Signs

The Traffic Division provides traffic engineering and operation services for our citizens. The goal is to provide and advocate for a safe, efficient transportation system for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicle drivers.

​To request traffic signs or pavement markings, to report damaged or worn out signs or pavement markings, to request a study to determine if a new traffic signal is needed, or to report operational issues at an existing traffic signal, please contact the Traffic Engineering Division. 

Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings

The city of Thornton Traffic Engineering Division maintains the traffic signs and pavement markings. Signs are placed in compliance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, State statutes, and city ordinances.

Special Signs

The city of Thornton no longer installs Children at Play, Blind Child, Blind Child Area, Deaf Child, or Blind Pedestrian signs. These signs are not recognized by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as official traffic control devices and are no longer in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices published by the FHWA. Any such signs that have been installed in neighborhoods in the past​ will remain in place until they are no longer serviceable or until the requestor has moved. The signs will then be removed. There is no evidence that these signs result in any change in driver behavior or that these signs provide any safety benefit. Therefore, these signs do not guarantee traffic safety and can create a false sense of security, particularly for children or the parents of children.

The city of Thornton has developed the Roadside Memorial Sign Program to memorialize individuals who have died in crashes on city-owned roadways. This program allows families and friends to honor their loved ones safely while also providing messaging to encourage safe driving. Interested individuals may submit a request for a memorial sign by completing the Roadside Memorial Sign Application.


The city of Thornton maintains 183 traffic signals and is adding approximately three per year. Traffic signals are installed only after meeting warrants established in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices published by the Federal Highway Administration.

The traffic signals on Colorado Boulevard, Holly Street, Huron Street, Thornton Parkway, Washington Street, 84th Avenue, 88th Avenue, 120th Avenue, 128th Avenue, 136th Avenue, and 144th Avenue are on coordinated traffic signal systems. The traffic signals along 104th Avenue are also coordinated but maintained from I-25 to Irma Drive by the City of Northglenn.

The traffic signal map is updated as new traffic signals are constructed and can be found under “featured links” on this page.

Traffic Counts

The city of Thornton collects data about its streets continuously. The data includes 24-hour counts, turning movements, pedestrians, speeds, and consultant data. The city’s 24-hour count map can be found here. For traffic count or speed information, please email or call the Traffic Division at or at 720-977-6490.

Small Cell Facilities

The city of Thornton, much like other communities across the nation, is receiving requests from an increasing number of wireless service providers and wireless infrastructure companies to install small cell facilities in the right-of-way. The right-of-way is essentially where the road, sidewalks, and landscaping adjacent to the road reside. 

Traffic Control Permits  

The city of Thornton requires traffic control permits for items that affect pedestrian or vehicular traffic flow. Such permits include, but are not limited to:

  • ​Block Parties 
  • Parades 
  • Street Closures 
  • Work Zones 
  • Dirt Haul Routes 
  • Oversized Vehicles
  • Dumpster/Storage Container (Pods)/Roll-offs

The minimum review time for complete traffic control permit applications is 5 business days.  All permit applications must be made through the Online Permit Applications through the icon link at the top of this page. Traffic Control Permit fees may apply.

All work in the roadway related to development must get a traffic control permit from City Development. Submit an online application for a traffic control permit from City Development using the icon link at the top of this page.

Street Light Issues  

Streetlights are installed after city approval and maintained by Xcel Energy, United Power, or the City, depending on the area of the city. Please call Traffic Engineering to request that the City investigate the need for a street light(s).