About Volunteer Thornton
In April 1997, the city officially launched its first formal volunteer program - Volunteer Thornton - to oversee ongoing volunteer operations. Volunteer Thornton was created to manage volunteers who assist in implementing programs and services in various city departments. Today, Thornton is distinguished by the spirit of its citizens who are actively involved in promoting the welfare of the community and this spirit of involvement is at the very foundation of our community. Volunteers are essential to preserving Thornton’s quality of life and making it a more rewarding and nurturing place to live and work.
Volunteer Opportunities
Opportunities for volunteers interested in helping with one or more various AIR Programs. This may include assisting with art classes, social activities, gymnastics, dance, archery, or sports. AIR volunteers may also partner with a participant with special needs in various recreation programs to help the program be inclusive of their needs. One hour per week for 5-10 weeks is the general commitment depending on the program.
A brief disability awareness training for all volunteers and background check for volunteers over 18 is required. Click below to apply for current AIR Programs:
- AIR Buds Volunteer (we have a few young adults interested in having a buddy - ages 16-24.)
- AIR Volunteer
- AIR Gymnastics Partner
The Adopt-a-Flower Bed Program addresses “quality of life” issues for many residents, as it provides an opportunity to beautify our community while simultaneously educating interested volunteers. Adopt-A-Flower Bed Volunteers will learn the various aspects of flower bed design, installation, maintenance, and care. Below are the areas in need of volunteers.
Day of the Dead Event Support
Join us to assist staff with event set up and take down, replenishing supplies, and providing public information!
Must be able to lift 20 pounds and walk and stand for periods of time.
Two shifts are available.
Free meal and breaks are provided.
Public Art Panelist
Volunteers are needed to sit on two public art review panels. Volunteers will meet to review, score, and help select the artist (or artist team) that best meets the scope of the project. Learn more about the Public Art Goals and Commission Process. The following are 2023 projects in need of panelists:
- Pollinator Project Phase 2 (Grange Hall Creek Park and Eastlake 2 Park) Public Art Panel
- Hispanic History & Heritage Project (Pecos Park) Public Art Panel
Want to be involved in the decisions made in your community? If so, consider applying for a position on a Thornton Board or Commission. Please visit Boards & Commissions to learn more, view current vacancies, and submit an application.
- Businesses of Thornton Advisory Commission
- Building Code Advisory Board
- Development Permits & Appeals Board
- Election Commission
- Judicial Appointment and Retention Advisory Commission
- Local Licensing Authority
- Parks & Open Space Advisory Commission
- Thornton Active Adult Board
- Thornton Arts, Sciences and Humanities Council (TASCHO) Board of Directors
Community Emergency Response Training (CERT)
CERT is a national preparedness program for all interested community members, 18 years and older, that provides disaster preparedness and response education for all hazards and teaches basic skills in disaster operations, team organization, fire safety, basic first aid, medical operations, and team development. CERT Basic Training is 24 hours of in-person training offered once a year, usually during the Fall/Winter months culminating in a Full Scale Exercise in the Spring. Applicants must complete all 24 hours of training and participate in the exercise meet the FEMA graduation requirement and become eligible to join the Thornton CERT Team. As a CERT Team member you'll have opportunities to participate in specialized trainings, team meetings, leadership opportunities, special events, and deploy to real world emergencies and disasters. For more information visit the Community Emergency Response Training Program or contact Ryan Doyle, Emergency Manager at ryan.doyle@thorntonco.gov.
The Farmers' Highline Canal and Trail (aka Signal Ditch as it moves into Thornton) is a man-made waterway, used for irrigation and recreation. The canal begins in Waterton canyon and works its way out to the plains as it meanders through several municipalities. Water is expected to be released into the canal in early April.
Join us for the Farmers' Highline Canal Cleanup where hundreds of volunteers from throughout the Northglenn and Thornton communities will spend one Saturday morning in March cleaning riverbeds and trails by removing garbage and debris. This will prepare the way for the water to move smoothly through our cities.
Water Ambassadors
Thornton Water Ambassadors are community members who are passionate about water efficiency. They have taken their passion a step further and volunteered to help the city at events and workshops, talking with other water customers about how to achieve water efficiency.
Volunteer as a Water Ambassador
Storm Drain Marker Program
Storm drain marking involves labeling storm drains with a pre-cast message warning citizens not to dump pollutants into the storm drains. The message is a simple phrase to remind those passing by that storm drains connect to local waterbodies and that dumping will pollute those waters. Storm drain markers have a common message: "No Dumping Drains to River" including a graphic depicting a fish to convey the message.
Victim Advocate
Victim Advocate volunteers provide on-scene crisis supports to victims and witnesses of violent crime, sudden death, and other emergencies. Becoming a Victim Advocate is a big responsibility, but the rewards are immeasurable! The training and experience is a huge asset for those wanting to go into the Criminal Justice Field.
Volunteers must complete 40 hours of initial training, work a minimum of three shifts of shadowing a staff or volunteer advocate, and a minimum of three-hours of shadowing in Dispatch. There will be quarterly in-service training and voluntary attendance of workshops and seminars available through the unit.
Thornton is looking for volunteers for their Snowbusters program. Snowbuster volunteers remove snow from the public walkways and driveways of seniors and/or residents with a disability during the snow season. This service is for Thornton residents who cannot otherwise arrange for or afford to have their snow removed. Volunteer today and be matched with a qualified citizen in need. Please call 303-255-7831 to get started.
Girls Softball
Coaches needed for City of Thornton Girls Softball Program. We are currently recruiting volunteer coaches for the City of Thornton Girls Softball program which will run from April 25- July 29. Age divisions are 4-5 (tee ball), 6-7 (coach pitch), and 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, and 14-17 (player pitch). Please contact Hannah.Tuomi@ThorntonCO.gov if interested or if you have any questions.