Construction and Traffic Control Permits
Construction permits are required for all projects in City ROW. Traffic Control permits are required when streets, bike lanes, or sidewalks will be blocked.
Permit Applications
Permits for oversized vehicles, on-steet containers, and special events (race/walk, block party, parade, etc.) are processed by Traffic Engineering. Traffic Control Permit Fees are not applicable to on-street containers for single-family residences, block parties, or special events.
Permits related to Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) such as streets, bridges, drainage, water, sewer, trails, and streetscaping.
Applicants must provide the City Project Manager's name and the CIP project number in the Special Conditions field of the application(s).
- Applicants must complete the Infrastructure CIP Construction Permit application.
- If traffic control is required, applicants must complete the Infrastructure CIP Traffic Permit application.
For work including, but not limited to, potholing, boring, trenching, utility pole work, any work in and outside Thornton and/or its ROW. Applicable only to franchisees (Comcast, United Power, Xcel Energy) and their subcontractors.
- Applicants must complete the Infrastructure Franchise Construction Permit application.
- If traffic control is required, applicants must complete the Infrastructure Franchise Traffic Permit application.
For projects not associated with CIP, Franchise, Water/Sewer Service Repair, or Chase Drain Installation.
- Applicants must complete the Infrastructure Other Construction Permit application.
- Permit cost is dependent on the total construction cost of the project.
- If traffic control is required, applicants must complete the Infrastructure Other Traffic Permit application.
Bond/Escrow [PDF/141KB]will be held for two years from the Final Inspection. The bond amount is to be determined by the City Engineer.
Sewer/water service repair jobs must have a permit from either the Infrastructure Department or the Building Department, not both. If you are unsure if your work will extend into the ROW call 720-977-6210 for assistance.
Applicants must complete the Infrastructure Sewer/Water Service Repair Application(opens in new window)
- Permit cost is dependent on the total construction cost of the project.
- If traffic control is required, applicants must upload a traffic control plan. A $50 traffic control fee will be added to the total permit cost.
- Use the Job Description field to indicate whether you are doing sewer service or water service work.
- Enter the desired work date(s) in the Special Conditions field.
- Attach a Traffic Control Plan for the portion of the sidewalk and street that will be obstructed during work. If work is outside City limits you must obtain a ROW permit from the appropriate jurisdiction.
- Enter the contract cost extended to the customer on the Sanitary Sewer Service line.
- Click Submit Application to be taken to the Application Summary page.
If you are not taken to the summary page, then your application has not been submitted!
Applicants must complete the Infrastructure Sewer/Water Service Repair Application(opens in new window) (the application heading is Sewer/Water service repair – this is correct)
- Permit cost is dependent on the total construction cost of the project. A $50 traffic control fee will be added to the total permit cost.
- Use the job description field to indicate that you are installing a chase drain
- Enter the desired work date(s) in the Special Conditions field.
- Attach a Traffic Control Plan for the portion of the sidewalk that will be obstructed during work.
- Enter the contract cost extended to the customer on the Concrete line.
- Click Submit Application to be taken to the Application Summary page
If you are not taken to the summary page, then your application has not been submitted!
The City does not allow curb cuts because there are not currently approved specifications that are ADA-compliant. Temporary curb ramps must be moved out of the curb immediately after a car enters or leaves a driveway as they pose issues to planned drainage and street sweeping activities.
Important Permit Processing Information
- Permit requests sent via email will not be processed.
- Applications for original permits, extensions, and renewals must be submitted online.
- Original Permit: There is not yet an existing permit for the scope of work at the job site.
- Permit Extension: Permit has been expired for thirty (30) days or fewer, and scope of work is not being modified, and traffic control plans are not being modified. Traffic control fees apply.
- Permit Renewal: Permit has been expired for thirty-one (31) days or more, or the scope of work and/or contractor performing the work has changed. Construction and traffic control fees apply.
- Standard review time is at least fourteen (14) business days, plus an additional two (2) days for processing.
- If you are requesting a start date that is fewer than fourteen (14) calendar days away, select the earliest calendar option on the form and include your desired dates in the “Special Conditions” field.
- We cannot guarantee that an earlier permit date will be fulfilled, but efforts will be made to honor the dates requested.
- Payments submitted after 1:00 p.m. will not be processed until the following business day.
- A receipt from our “noreply” email address indicates that payment has been captured, it does not indicate that the permit has been fully processed.
Requirements for ROW permits include, but are not limited to
- Contractor must have a Thornton Contractor’s license.
- If a bore crosses any City utilities a SUE Quality Level A plan and profile is required.
- Approximate location of utilities can be found on the Thornton Open Data site.
- When planning a project involving boring, please submit traffic and construction applications for a design potholing event.
- After completing a potholing event, please create a plan and profile. A plan and profile includes:
- Utility plans that have the distances between the intended bore and Thornton utilities called out at their narrowest pass. These should include but are not limited to, distances from features such as water mains, valves, hydrants, meters, backflows, and PRVs; sanitary sewer mains and manholes; storm drains, manholes, and inlets (from edge of concrete); streetlights; traffic signals and conduits; and city fiber.
- The depths of represented in a profile view with the intended bore as well as vertical clearance from Thornton utilities (18 inches is the minimal vertical interference.
- The location and extent of any pits or other means of excavation.
- Further information is available on the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) subsurface utility engineering website.
- Once a plan and profile is developed, submit traffic and construction applications for the construction/boring phase.
- Pre-construction meeting with City staff no less than 48 hours before starting work.
Minimal Interference
- 10-foot (10') minimum horizontal clearance when running along City utilities
- 18-inch (18") minimum vertical clearance when crossing City utilities
- If the minimum horizontal and vertical clearances are not adhered to, then the permittee assumes all risk of damage and loss arising out of failure to comply with required clearances.
Paving Moratorium
No provider shall cause an open trench excavation or potholing of utilities in the pavement of any ROW for at least one year from the completion or resurfacing unless authorized by the city’s Streets Manager. If an asphalt cut is unavoidable and approved by the Streets Manager, the replacement shall cover a greater area than the original cut, which the streets manager will determine.
Operating Without a Permit
Any person found to be conducting any construction activity, work, or excavation activity without having first obtained a construction permit shall stop all activity until appropriate permit(s) are obtained.
Infrastructure Permit Conditions [PDF/277KB]Utility Cut Restoration Specifications
The Infrastructure Department issues permits to licensed contractors for:
- Repairs to Thornton utilities that extend from the yard to the ROW and are within City limits.
- Repairs to the connection point/tap to Thornton utilities that are outside City limits.
- Chase drains within City limits, excluding Heritage Todd Creek
Typical processing time for this type of permit is one to two business days.
How long does it take to process a construction permit?
The minimum processing time for construction permit applications is typically fourteen (14) business days; this includes review time, coordination with traffic control permit, and time to schedule a pre-construction meeting.
Is a permit required if the work is on private property and/or a private street?
Yes, any type of construction being performed within the City requires a construction permit. City Code Sec 2-272(1)(a). The permit plans shall show the full scope of work both in and outside of the ROW.
What if a construction project crosses into another city or county next to Thornton?
A ROW permit from Thornton only allows permission for work being done within the City. Anything beyond the city of Thornton will need to be addressed with that city or county.
The scope of work only requires work to be done on the utility pole. Will a construction permit still be required?
Yes, per the city code work only being done on a utility pole is still considered construction activity.
What if the scope of work is removing and/or replacing a utility pole, will a construction permit be required?
Yes, per city code replacing a utility pole is still considered construction activity.
Is a construction permit required if it is Thornton that is requesting the work?
Yes, this type of permit would fall under the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Permit application. However, some work such as irrigation line or water line breaks where the City is requesting the contractor to do the work, there is no construction permit is required. Still, a City employee is required to be onsite.
If there is an emergency repair within the City, is a construction permit required?
Yes, once the emergency has been discovered, immediate notification to the Traffic Division and/or Infrastructure Department must be made. Start the work as soon as possible, but once the work has started it must continue until the repair has been fixed and the surface restored to previous condition. A construction permit application must be submitted within 24-hours of notification of the emergency repair.
Do I need a construction permit if we only need to access a manhole and the work is inside the manhole?
No, a construction permit is not required when accessing your own manhole. However, a traffic control permit will be required.
If we make sidewalk cuts, do we replace only what was cut?
No, once a sidewalk has been cut the entire panel(s) will have to be replaced.
For more information, please contact Engineering Services at 720-977-6210, or email
How long does it take to process a traffic control permit?
Minimum processing time for traffic control permit applications is typically ten (10) business days; this includes review time, coordination with construction permitting process, and time to schedule a pre-construction meeting. Minimum processing time for traffic control permits that do not require a construction permit is typically five (5) business days. The traffic control permit cannot be approved before the construction permit.
What are the different types of traffic control permits and do they have associated fees?
CIP Permits
- City of Thornton capital improvement project work.
- No associated fees.
Franchise Permits
- Work being done by Xcel Energy, Comcast, United Power and associated subcontractors.
- $50 processing fee as well as a closure fee that depends on duration of the closure, street classification, and square footage occupied by the traffic control and work zone.
General Permits
- Rights-of-Way permits for boring, potholing, approved small cell installation, and utilities.
- $50 processing fee as well as a closure fee that depends on duration of the closure, street classification, and square footage occupied by the traffic control and work zone.
Non-construction Permits
- On-street containers for single-family residences, block parties, and special events permits have no associated fees.
- Other non-construction permits have a $50 processing fee.
Is a traffic control permit required if the work is on private property and/or a private street?
A traffic control permit is required if the traffic control zone encroaches the City of Thornton’s right-of-way (ROW) or if traffic control elements (signs, cones etc.) are within city ROW.
Is a traffic control permit required if it is the City of Thornton that is requesting the work?
Yes, this type of permit would fall under the CIP Permit application.
Are traffic permits outlined in the City of Thornton Code of Ordinances?
Yes, they can be found in ARTICLE VII. – RIGHTS-OF-WAY MANAGEMENT, Sec. 2-272. – Construction permits.
What are standard traffic control permit time restrictions?
- Lane and full closures are permitted 8:30am – 3:30pm, M – F unless otherwise approved by the city’s Traffic Engineering and Operations division.
- Alternative hours or further time restrictions may be required for traffic control in close proximity to schools or other sensitive areas as determined by the city’s Traffic Engineering and Operations division.
- Night and weekend traffic control may be permitted pending review and approval by the city’s Traffic Engineering and Operations division.
How are traffic permit fees calculated?
- Special events such as block parties, races, or parades fall under non-construction permits and do not have associated fees.
- Roll-off dumpsters and on-street containers fall under non-construction permits and do not have associated fees.
Traffic control permits have a $50 processing fee. In addition, there is a closure fee that depends on the duration of the closure, street classification, and square footage occupied by the traffic control and work zone. This fee is calculated by Thornton’s staff during the review process and presented to the applicant for payment. These fees are calculated based on the fee structure shown in the table.
Street Classification Rights-of-Way Closure Fees Arterial $0.02 x Number of Days x Square Feet of Closed Area Collector $0.01 x Number of Days x Square Feet of Closed Area Residential $0.01 x Number of Days x Square Feet of Closed Area Sidewalk or Trail $0.03 x Number of Days x Square Feet of Closed Area - There are no fees for lane shifts or shoulder closures provided that no lanes of travel are closed.
- If there are multiple traffic control plans for one location for the same day, fees will only apply to the most extensive traffic control plan as determined by the city’s Traffic Engineering and Operations Division.
- Mobile traffic control plans or short-duration traffic control plans can be used for multiple locations. These traffic control plans allow for the use of one ‘generic’ traffic control plan for identical, repetitive closures. The closure fee charged would apply to one location per day and not accrue for all locations.
What are traffic control permit penalty fees?
A $500 penalty fee can be charged if the following occur and are not corrected within the requested time: restriction of ROW or traffic control in place without a valid permit, restriction of ROW or traffic control in place with an expired permit, and violation of permit conditions or permitted locations. If violations continue after a warning has been issued, the permit can be revoked until traffic control issues are resolved. Penalty fees apply to all permit types, including permits which do not have processing or closure fees.
For more information, please contact Traffic Engineering at 720-977-6490, or email
Supplemental Permit Information
Use these links to learn more about interactive City maps, permitting through other City departments, and City standards.