Established in 1953, Thornton started with three homes that were built with families in mind. Today, Thornton is still focused on providing quality housing and healthy, vibrant neighborhoods for those who desire to live in our community. When neighborhoods are healthy and vibrant residents prosper, the local economy grows, and there is a sense of community and shared pride.
2024-2029 Housing Needs Assessment & Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (HNA & AI)
The HNA and AI documents examine housing data and information, such as the current housing stock, housing expenses, growth rates, current demographic, owner and renter market analysis. It includes the results of interviews with stakeholders and resident surveys. The HNA and AI identifies housing gaps, issues, and barriers encountered by Thornton residents. The document recommends actions the City can take to lessen the housing gaps, issues, and housing barriers. Performing this assessment is necessary for the city to continue to affirmatively further fair housing. The current version can be found by clicking this link: 2024-2029 Housing Needs Assessment & Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. [DOCX/20.8MB]
CodeCAP Program
The Code Compliance Assistance Program (CodeCAP) helps income-eligible Thornton homeowners to fix code violations in their yards. The program is federally funded through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and therefore, is free to qualified residents. Eligible projects include:
- Hazardous tree removal
- Trash and debris removal, including furniture, appliances and vehicles
- Fence repair or replacement
- Minor restorative front yard WaterWise landscaping
- CodeCAP is not a lawn mowing or weed removal program
For more information and to see if you are eligible, contact Community Connections at 720-977-5800 or at The application to submit for the program is below, the 2024 Home Rehabilitation Program Application.
2025 Home Rehabilitation Program Application [PDF/372KB]
Solicitud para el Programa de Rehabilitacion de Vivienda 2024 [PDF/365KB]
To apply, submit your completed application and supporting documentation. A list of required supporting documents is included in the last two pages of the application.
Housing Resources
The City of Thornton is committed to working to expand the supply and distribution of safe and decent affordable housing throughout the city. The term “affordable housing” refers to homes or apartments in which the rent is no more than one third of the household income of people that earn less than 80% of the median, the mid-point of all incomes in the metro region. For the most up to date income limits, view Rent and Income Limits.
Affordable Housing Brochure [PDF/512KB]
Development of New Affordable Housing
Developers are encouraged to contact the City to learn about zoning regulations, building codes and potential funding sources. The Current Planning staff can provide information and answer questions about development processes, codes and zoning. Also, City Development offers free pre-application meetings in which developers can sit down with staff to discuss potential projects. Staff can help developers understand the land use, building, fire and access needs associated with the site and project concept. Interested agencies can visit the Planning and Zoning page found on the right-hand side of this page.
City Support for Affordable Housing
Letters of Support: Developers can request a letter of support from the City when applying for outside funding for affordable housing projects. Projects must the goals and intent of the City's Affordable Housing Policy, address a gap identified in the Housing Needs Assessment, or meet a goal in Thornton's Consolidated Plan (see Grant Programs & Resources).
Funding through the City: Funding mechanisms are available through the City for private or nonprofit developers to construct or renovate "affordable" units in a multi-family housing project. Information on these funding sources is shown below and linked on the right hand side of this page.
The Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) can be used to support homeownership and affordable housing programs or projects that serve low and moderate income individuals and families. These projects must serve people at 80% of the area median income or less.
Private Activity Bonds (PAB) [PDF/467KB] are tax exempt bonds designed to offer low cost financing for projects that create jobs and expand the City's tax base. Private Activity Bonds are a widely accepted method for generating and leveraging capital in Colorado. Each year, Thornton has the option to assign a set amount of Private Activity Bonds to eligible projects. Staff presented at the July 11, 2023, City Council meeting. The resolution to assign the PABs to Maiker Housing Partners (MHP) was approved. MHP will rehabilitate The Overlook at Thornton located at 647 W. 91st Ave Thornton, CO 80260. This 160-unit complex is home to over 400 residents earning 60% or less of Area Median Income (AMI). The renovation project includes replacing electrical, plumbing, HVAC, cabinetry, flooring, appliances, and windows. It also includes improvements such as building a new clubhouse and pool area, replacing roofs, new siding, resurfacing parking lots, and replacing the main water line. The total project budget is approximately $81 million. Construction is scheduled to begin in August 2023 and is expected to be completed in April 2025. Previous allocations have been used to assist various affordable housing developments throughout the city or have been used to assist first-time homebuyers in a similar manner.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds can be used for infrastructure for new affordable housing construction and in various ways for rehabilitation of existing affordable housing projects. CDBG funds can be used to assist income eligible homebuyers with their downpayment or closing costs, to acquire or rehabilitate existing rentals, or in certain scenarios to construct affordable housing. These projects must serve people at 80% of the area median income or less.
City staff can work with developers to help identify if a project would be eligible for funding, as well as what other types of outside funding might be available. Email for more information.
Mobile Home Park Dispute Resolution and Enforcement Program
Beginning May 1, 2020, the Colorado Division of Housing will take complaints, conduct investigations, make determinations, impose penalties, and participate in administrative dispute resolutions when there are alleged violations of the Mobile Home Park Act. The complaint forms for the Mobile Home Park Dispute Resolution and Enforcement Program are now available on the Division of Housing's website in English an Spanish: .
During the current public health crisis due to COVID-19, the Division will be prioritizing complaints related to evictions and the protection of public health and safety. If you are making a complaint related to a current eviction or current health and safety issue, please make sure you include that information in your complaint form.
The Colorado Division of Housing has created a tool for the public to search the Mobile Home Park Oversight Program's registration and complaint database. You can search for registered parks by park name, landlord name, business name, address, city, and/or county.
Rental Housing
Colorado Housing Connects provides reliable information about housing in the metro Denver area. Through this housing hotline and resource there is information for renters, homeowners, landlords. Information is available in English and Spanish. Visit the website or call the hotline 1-844-926-6632.
Affordable Rentals
The term "affordable" is defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development as housing in which households pay no more than 30% of their total annual gross income on rent, water, electric and gas expenses. Below you will find information on affordable housing locations in Thornton, as well as emergency rent and utility assistance programs.
- Avena Apartments
- Carriage Hill Apartments
- Corona Street Apartments
- Hawthorne Hill Apartments
- Lambertson Farms Apartments
- Larkridge Apartments
- Magnolia Ridge Apartments
- Park 88 Apartments
- Parkview Terrace
- Sierra Vista Apartments
- Skyline Apartments
- The Meadows at Town Center
- The Village on Cypress
- Villas at Sunny Acres Senior Apartments
The Local Housing Authority Properties
Maiker Housing Partners (the local housing authority) manages many of the subsidized apartments in Thornton:
Housing Choice Vouchers
Maiker Housing Partners (the local housing authority) manages subsidized apartments in Thornton and throughout the county. This agency also manages the Housing Choice Voucher program, which the federal government funds to help low-income individuals and families afford safe housing. Please visit the Maiker Housing Partners website or call 303-227-2743 for details about the process to apply for these vouchers and income eligibility.
Rental Resources
The Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) program is a federally funded program through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Nonprofit housing organizations and government agencies can use HOME funds to build, buy, and/or rehabilitate affordable housing or provide direct rental assistance to low- and moderate-income people. HOME funds have been used in the past to fund renovation and new construction of apartments for low-income individuals and families through partners such as Habitat for Humanity and Community Resources and Housing Development Organization, rental assistance to help people gain self-sufficiency, rehabilitation of foreclosed or dilapidated single-family homes, down payment or closing cost assistance for first time homeowners, and the construction of affordable housing for projects such as Crossing Pointe in Thornton.
The City is a member of the Adams County HOME Consortium, which allows the City to direct HOME funds to future or existing affordable housing in Thornton and Adams County.
How to Apply for HOME Funds
Nonprofit organizations or government agencies can apply for HOME funds through Adams County. The Resource links to the right side of this page provide Adams County contact information and other information to assist with completing an application. If your organization's affordable housing project will be located in Thornton, please let us know about your project. We can write a letter of support to Adams County if you are applying for HOME funds.
Public Notices and Updates
Adams County is responsible for all public notification processes. For more information on the public notification process for HOME funds, call 720-523-6200.
Thornton Multifamily Community Managers
Property managers act on behalf of a property owner to preserve the value of the property while generating income. The Multifamily Community Manager meetings are a collaborative effort between the City of Thornton Police Department and Fire Department, the Housing Division and the apartment, manufactured home park, and HOA managers in Thornton. The purpose of these regular meetings is to discuss topics that are important to managing multifamily properties in Thornton. If you are interested in joining our group, need to update the contact information for your complex, or have questions please contact the High Density Housing Unit at
Upcoming Meetings
Please contact the Police Department's High Density Housing Unit at to be added to the mail list for the Multifamily Community Managers meetings.
Apartments: Landlords Opening Doors
Manufactured Home Parks
House Bill 19-1309 has updated the Colorado Mobile Home Park Act. The following are in effect now:
- It extended the time a homeowner has to sell or move their home after an eviction to 60 days.
- It extends the time to cure for a late rent payment from five to ten days, before a mobile home lot tenancy can be terminated.
Homeowners Associations
The HOA Information Office and Resource Center at the Colorado Department of Regulatory Affairs (DORA) provides information on the rights and duties of homeowners and associations under the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act. This division also registers homeowners associations and has a list of all the registered HOAs. Visit or call 303-894-2166.
Community Associations Institute (CAI) - Rocky Mountain Chapter - Homeowners or HOA board members can attend CAI trainings and roundtable discussions to get answers to questions on common issues for HOAs.
Senior Housing and Support Services
The links below provide a variety of housing services offered through the local community.
- CAPABLE Program
- Housing for Older Adults Brochure [PDF/793KB]
- Other Home Repair Programs
- Paint-a-Thon
- Property Tax Rebates
Housing Assistance for People with Disabilities
Colorado Housing Assistance Corporation (CHAC): CHAC provides financial assistance of $8,500 at a 1.5% interest rate for people with permanent disabilities or parents of a child with a permanent disability. Call 303-572-9445 for more information.
Colorado Housing and Finance Authority: The HomeAccess program provides down payment and/or closing cost assistance of up to $25,000 in conjunction with a HomeAccess first mortgage loan. There are income and home price limitations so please visit the website for details or call 303-297-7376.
Rights and Discrimination: People with disabilities are protected under the federal Fair Housing Act. Follow the link on the left menu for more information on rights and who to contact if you have concerns about discrimination.
Additional Resources
Housing Resources for Veterans
Emergency Housing Assistance
The following organizations provide services to help veterans find and remain in stable housing. Services include assistance with rental deposits and utility payments, legal and financial planning, employment assistance, and case management. Contact the agencies below for more information.
- Volunteers of America Back Home Program: 2660 Larimer St. Denver, 303-297-0408
- Homes for All Veterans: 9900 E. Illiff Ave. Denver, 303-368-3831 or 855-838-7428
Affordable Rental Housing
VASH Vouchers: Vouchers allow veterans to pay only 30% of their income on qualified rental housing. For information, contact the Denver VA Medical Center at 303-399-8020 ex. 4328.
Homeownership Assistance
VA Loans and Refinancing: Lower interest rates or flexible qualifications may be available to veterans to help purchase a home, refinance, or make home modifications. Visit the Denver Regional Benefits Office at 155 Van Gordon St. Lakewood, or call them at 1-800-827-1000.
Property Tax Exemptions: Active duty military or disabled veterans may be eligible for property tax exemptions. Contact the Adams County Assessor at 720-523-6038 for more information.
In 2024, the City completed its five-year Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) and an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (HNA-AI). The City continues to use these reports to guide future planning efforts. Understanding the state of housing in our community remains a top priority.
Thornton’s population grew from 118,747 in 2012 to 141,799 in 2022, while the city's housing stock increased from 42,954 units in 2012 to 49,779 in 2022. However, the most pressing issue continues to be housing affordability, with many residents experiencing cost burdens—defined as spending more than 30% of their income on housing. Between 2018 and 2022, 43.05% of homeowners and 55.6% of renters in Thornton were cost burdened.
The HNA-AI identified key challenges, including a mismatch between current housing supply and demand, which has contributed to an affordability crisis. Additionally, housing production has not kept pace with demand, leading to rising housing costs and extreme shortages.
To address these challenges, the City has proposed ten recommended actions. For more details, please refer to the HNA-AI.
Starting in April of 2024, the city will launch the 2024 HNA and AI. The HNA process will contact dozens of community stakeholders, hold public input meetings, conduct a community survey, research the latest socio-economic information, examine existing housing and its costs, and provide an action plan for the city and our community partners to expedite.
In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the passage of the 1968 Fair Housing Act and the National Fair Housing Alliance’s 30th Anniversary, Nationwide released January 25, 2018, its short documentary film “Seven Days.” The short film below, produced by Nationwide, chronicles the seven days between the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the passage of the Fair Housing Act.
The city of Thornton partners with various governmental and non-profit organizations to refer clients to available rent, mortgage, and utility assistance. Organizations and their contact information can be found in the brochure below.