Make a Payment

Thornton Municipal Court accepts online payments for eligible cases. Please note, payments cannot be accepted for other courts or jurisdictions.

By making payment, the person admits their guilt to the charge or amended charge if an offer is on your ticket. A record of conviction is then forwarded to the Division of Motor Vehicle (DMV). The DMV assesses the appropriate penalty points to each violator's driving history, as established by state law.

You MUST appear if your summons is marked MANDATORY.

Online Services

Municipal Court accepts online payments. This provides an additional payment option for those with eligible tickets.  Tickets can be paid at any hour of the day, in conjunction with the Court's case management software through the vendor's secure website, CitePayUSA. The convenience-fee based system covers the cost of this service. Other payment options include drop box, mail or over the phone. Visit CitePayUSA to pay online.


If eligible, your ticket will be marked with a fine amount that may be paid prior to your court date. If your summons/ticket is eligible for payment; yet, identified as an accident, your summons/ticket may not be payable online. If your ticket is marked as mandatory, you must appear as scheduled on your court date. 

If there is a question on whether your case is eligible to be paid online, you may call a Court Specialist at 720-977-5400 to review your case. Any eligible payment may also be taken via phone.

Commercial Driver's Licenses

If you have a Commercial Driver's License:
Federal Law prohibits any type of plea bargain whether you were in a commercial or private vehicle when served a summons. Any guilty plea is to the original charge and original points. You still have the rights of someone who does not hold a CDL, to include a right to be represented by counsel and to set your case for trial.

If you do not have a Commercial Driver's License:
If you believe the officer has indicated you have a CDL in error, please contact the Court for further information regarding your case. The CDL designation requires a mandatory appearance from you instead of resolving your case by mail, phone or online. If you show proof (such as a copy of your out of state driver's license) that you do not have a CDL, your summons may be changed to payable prior to Court and a plea offer may be extended.

Phone Call/Email Reminder Program

The Court has an automated phone call/email reminder program. The program calls adult defendants who have upcoming court dates and either leaves a pre-recorded message with the person answering the phone or on a defendant's voicemail. If your email address is on file, an email will be automatically generated and sent as a reminder. The courtesy reminder is intended to assist defendants in remembering their Court dates.

Drop Box or Mailing Address

A payment/document drop box is available to the right of the Court's main entrance or payments/documents may be mailed to:

Thornton Municipal Court
9551 Civic Center Drive
Thornton, CO 80229

Make sure your ticket number is on your payment as well as your correct address. Never mail cash and always pay on time. Late payments could result in a warrant for your arrest. Additional fines and fees are added to all cases that are not paid on time.

Payment by Phone

You may also call the Court during business hours, 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Mondays through Thursdays at 720-977-5400 to pay via phone with a MasterCard, Visa, or Discover Card.

Collection of Fines and Fees

Fines and fees must be paid as soon as the Defendant has appeared in Court. If the Defendant is unable to pay, they must fill out a financial affidavit and speak with the Collections Officer. Please note a $25 Stay of Execution fee may be added to all fines/fees not paid on the day of Court.

Extensions of Court Dates, Court Ordered Classes or Payment Plans

To request an extension of time to complete a court ordered class, community service hours, or additional time to pay your fine, you must appear in person and speak with the Collections Officer. Documentation or proof of circumstances may be required by the Collections Officer in order to grant any continuance. A $25 Stay of Execution fee is added every time an extension of payment is granted. Please note, there are no guarantees that your request for additional time will be granted. Failure to pay may also result in the case being referred to a private collection agency.

Alternative Sentencing Program

The Alternative Sentencing Program (ASP) may be court ordered by the Judge, or may be offered by the Collections Officer provided you are able to meet the criteria necessary to qualify for the program. This program allows a defendant to work off their fines and court costs within a City department. If restitution or OJW fees are owed, they may not be worked off through this program and must be paid.